Dinesh D’Souza is on the social and broadcast media circuit, spreading word of his new movie, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.
And not a moment too soon: Hillary is salivating at the thought of making 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue once again, the Clinton B and B, with Lincoln bedroom stays parceled out to high-roller and big donor pals.
But not so fast Hillary Rodham Clinton, not so fast. You’re only 90-some days away from grabbing the White House keys, however, your coronation is not a done deal.
And certainly won’t be if Dinesh D’Souza has anything to say about it.
BarbWire Executive Editor/SavingOurFuture Editor Tami Jackson wrote a review last week,D’Souza Unveils the DNC and Hillary in Visually Stunning ‘Hillary’s America’ Movie, and this week she hosted Dinesh on her show for a short (just a little over 17 minutes), but substantive interview.
Listen as Tami and Dinesh discuss how the movie roll-out is doing, some startling facts about the Democrats seen in the movie, why did D’Souza — a well known writer, speaker and academic — change course and begin filmmaking?
Click here to go to Saving Our Future and listen to this great interview.