Conservative commentator Mark Steyn has lost his job with the British broadcasting company GBNews because he was being forced to take out indemnity insurance for wrong think as the UK government continues to violate its citizens’ free speech.

The UK is increasingly fascistic in its implementation of speech codes aimed at mollifying radical Muslims and the dangerous groomers in the LGBTQ lobby. And the government is increasingly prosecuting people who dare to indulge in free speech, especially on social media.

But the Brits have also clamped down on broadcasters, too.

Steyn recently refused a new contract and is now out at GBN.

As Steyn noted in a video, he posted to Rumble: “To the extent that the presenter and/or the US producers do not incorporate Ofcom regulatory input into an edition of the program, this shall be considered a material breach of this agreement, and the Mark Steyn Company shall indemnify GB News for any and all direct loss, liability, costs, including reasonable legal costs, damages, or expenses that it suffers as a result of any regulatory breach.”

In other words, GBN required insurance from its commentators to shield it from the government’s speech codes.

This means that the broadcaster is bowing to the disgusting government’s destruction of Britain’s free speech.

Now, it is true that British citizens do not have the same rights to free speech as Americas. But doesn’t the UK claim to be a modern democratic society? It appears it really is no different than fascism masquerading as democracy.

Steyn is right not to foot the bill for this obscene “insurance.”

But it is just more evidence that the criminal, anti-democratic left is on the march through the western world and winning the battle for control.

Cross-posted with iPatriot