Despite his shady business connections, the only son of the Speaker of the House has never been charged. Nancy Pelosi’s Son
It’s probably because his mom is a prominent Democrat. We’ve seen the same sort of thing with Hunter Biden, who has embarked on a brand-spanking-new art career and, surprisingly, his pieces are already at a similar price-point as that of art giants such as Renoir, Picasso, or di Bicci.
Speaking of Hunter… he and 52-year old son, Paul Pelosi Jr., have some things in common.
Move Over Hunter, Pelosi’s Kid Has Some Sketchy Ukraine Energy Connections Too
In addition to their penchant for getting involved in questionable Ukrainian energy companies, they also generally share poor judgment in their business connections. Both have high-profile parents whose party affiliation appears to shield them from any and all consequences.
A shocking paper trail shows Paul Pelosi Jr.’s connections to a host of fraudsters, rule-breakers and convicted criminals.
His years-long repeated business dealings raise two troubling questions Nancy’s son has been unable to answer: why did he get mixed up with such unsavory characters over and over, and how involved was he with the criminal investigations into his fraudster colleagues?
While Paul Pelosi Jr.’s mother once pledged to lead ‘the most honest, most open, most ethical Congress in history’, her son has a staggering wake of criminal colleagues, fraudulent companies and federal investigations.
The Daily Mail lists the five companies:
- The 52-year-old joined the board of a biofuel company after it defrauded investors according to an SEC ruling, and whose CEO was convicted after bribing Georgia officials
Pelosi Jr. was president of an environmental investment firm that turned out to be a front for two convicted fraudsters - He joined a lithium mining company and received millions of shares, allegedly issued due to a massive $164 million fraud.
- He was vice president of a company previously embroiled in an investigation of scam calls that targeted senior citizens.
- He has close business ties with a man accused by the Department of Justice of running a fake UN charity that stole investors’ money.
- According to an FDA investigation, a medical company Pelosi Jr. worked for tested drugs on people without FDA authorization.
Let’s break those down a bit…
InfoUSA: Cold Call Scammers
- Paul Jr. was hired by InfoUSA in February 2007 as Senior Vice President with a salary of $180,000 despite no experience in the field and already working a full-time job as a home loans officer at Countrywide Home Loans in San Mateo. That’s quite the “side-hustle.”
- InfoUSA was run by big Democrat donor Vinod Gupta, who had been under criminal investigation by the Iowa Attorney General’s Office since 2004 for InfoUSA knowingly selling millions of consumers’ data between 2001 and 2004 to fraudsters used the information to scam the elderly sometimes of their life’s savings.
- InfoUSA sold lists that categorized seniors into groups like “Oldies but Goodies,” which included 500,000 gamblers over age 55 and described them as “gullible” and “‘Suffering Seniors,” which included seniors suffering from cancer or Alzheimer’s disease.
Natural Blue Resources: A Front For Convicted Criminals
- In 2009, Pelosi Jr. was hired as President of an environmental firm that was looking for underground aquifers in New Mexico.
- Paul Jr. was recruited to create the firm along with former New Mexico governor and attorney general Toney Anaya by the two “consultants” — James Cohen, who had been jailed for financial fraud, and Joseph Corazzi, who was charged with breaking federal securities laws and was permanently barred from acting as an officer of a public company.
- Anaya was charged, but Paul Jr. was not despite serving as the President of Natural Blue Resources for five months and having served on the board of another company run by Cohen’s wife.
FOGFuels: Fraud and Bribery
- In October 2013, Paul Jr. Was hired as Vice President of FOGFuels, a biofuel company.
- It turns out that he didn’t do his homework first. Just one month earlier, the SEC announced charges had been filed against FOGFuels and Paul Jr’s business partner, Paul Marshall, for allegedly stealing $3 million from primarily elderly investors as well as from other companies he controlled to pay for vacations, alimony, child support, and private school tuition for his children.
- Around the same time in Atlanta, Georgia, an official was found guilty of helping arrange city contracts for Marshall’s wireless internet company in exchange for bribes.
- Coincidentally, FOGFuels won a contract from the Atlanta City Council to turn waste restaurant grease into biofuel. A councilman was subject to an ethics complaint about the vote, but the agreement was never taken up, and neither Paul Jr. nor FOGFuels was charged.
- FOGFuels dissolved in 2015, and Marshall was sentenced to six years in federal prison for defrauding investors after cooperating with the FBI on the bribery case. He was released in 2020.
Ties To A Fake UN Charity
- In October 2014, Paul Jr. became the “Business Development Executive” of the Corporate Governance Initiative (CGI) and was promoted to “Executive Director” just a year later.
- The SEC filing says that CGI is “a non-profit group” focused on “transparency, capitalism and building sustainable organization[s].”
- Paul Jr. developed close ties with Asa Saint Clair through CGI, who was accused of running a cryptocurrency scam through his charity, the World Sports Alliance, which the DOJ described as a “sham affiliate of the United Nations.”
- Prosecutors say Saint Clair recruited investors, telling them that the money would assist developing nations, but it went to fund his lavish Manhattan lifestyle.
- A December 2016 CGI press release proclaimed that Saint Clair had “officially endorsed” the organization and heaped praise on Paul Jr… It was reciprocated with Pelosi saying, “I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. St. Clair,” and “I am honored Mr. St. Clair has followed the same path I’ve taken.”
- Paul Jr. has not been charged or named in the DOJ case against Saint Clair.
Oroplata Resources: $164 Million Fraudulent Shares Scheme
- In July 2016, Paul Jr. joined Oroplata Resources, a lithium mining firm, as a Senior Advisor, despite no experience in the field.
- According to a 2018 lawsuit, one month before Paul. Jr. joined the company, the leadership at Oroplata was accused of “breaching its fiduciary responsibility” and “fraudulently” issuing $26 million of shares without the board of directors’ approval.
- The lawsuit alleges that the former Chairman, President, and CEO awarded 16 million shares worth $26 million “to themselves and close ally recipients” without the board of directors’ approval.
- Paul Jr. appears to have received 2.8 million of the allegedly fraudulent shares when he joined the company in July 2016.
- He bought the shares for $2,800, when their market value was between $4,228,000 and $5,152,000.
- Federal prosecutors in Boston say that the fraudulent shares scheme was just one of many coordinated by Swiss financier Roger Knox, 49, now convicted of $164 million securities fraud. Knox now faces a sentence of up to 20 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine of $5 million.
- Paul Jr. was not named in either the civil case or the criminal case against Oroplata.
Targeted Medical Pharma: Testing Drugs Without FDA Approval
- In 2014, Paul Jr. became an Independent Director of the Los Angeles-based drug company Targeted Medical Pharma.
- A year after Paul Jr. left the pharmaceutical company, Targeted Medical Pharma was accused by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of testing drugs on people without authorization.
- After the FDA issued a warning letter stating that they had “complied with all the applicable FDA regulations” and had not broken any rules because it was not marketing its product, Theramine, as a drug in the US but rather as a “medical food.”
- Targeted Medical Pharma insists that the problem was with an FDA “clerical issue.”
Those are pretty bad, but that last one seems like it wouldn’t be such a big deal in the Brave New Fauciite World where we approve and mandate brand new “vaccines” that don’t really stop transmission and has no long-term safety data while suppressing cheap and safe therapeutics… but I digress…
Still, it’s weird that Paul Jr. hasn’t been charged a single time despite his connection to scammers, grifters, cutthroats, and rogues… as well as some of his foreign business ties that aren’t members of the Democratic Party.
Why is it that Hunter and Paul Jr. keep finding themselves in the company of so many unsavory characters? Well, perhaps it’s partly a sense of familiarity considering their parents’ political inclinations, but maybe it’s because these business connections want to influence their parents.
Hunter admitted that in his ABC News interview.
The Daily Mail reports that Paul Jr. himself and “sources close to him” admit the same thing — that he’s been hired by “savvy entrepreneurs…in an attempt to curry favor with his powerful family.”
Back in 2007, Pelosi Jr. was dubbed the ‘rising prince’ of the Pelosi political dynasty in a Men’s Vogue profile.
His mother, Nancy Pelosi, herself the child of a Maryland Democratic Congressman and Baltimore Mayor, had just ascended to Speaker of the House of Representatives. His father was a successful investor, and his cousin, current California Governor Gavin Newsom, was the mayor of San Francisco.
But let’s not forget, rules just don’t seem to matter to these people.
Just look at the family that Paul Jr. comes from.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has become very wealthy despite her 35-year career in Congress.
Her husband, Paul, is a seasoned investor who has amassed an incredible amount of wealth since Nancy went to Washington.
Pelosi ranks among the wealthiest members of Congress. She does not personally trade stocks, but her husband, Paul Pelosi, has millions of dollars worth of stock investments that the speaker must by law disclose.
On January 12, for example, Paul Pelosi reported selling 6,000 shares of Apple Inc. stock valued at between $1 million and $2 million, according to a certified disclosure submitted to Congress by Nancy Pelosi. The sale came in the form of contributions — 3,000 shares each — to the Paul F. Pelosi Endowed Fund at Georgetown University and Trinity College, according to the disclosure.
Paul Pelosi Sr. makes such savvy trades that other investors watch what he’s doing. His impeccable investment record is probably just a testament to his skill and has absolutely nothing to do with his wife heading up the branch of the legislature that handles the “power of the purse” that oversees, regulates, and appropriates monies to the Executive Branch.
Paul Sr. is clearly some sort of investing genius with fantastic instincts… after all, what else could it be?
[Paul Pelosi] purchased about $10 million in Microsoft shares through call options on March 19th when the stock was trading at $230.35. Days later, Microsoft was awarded a contract by the U.S. Army valued at $22 billion and inked a deal to buy an artificial intelligence firm. Its stock has soared about 12% since Mr. Pelosi’s initial investment…
…But Mr. Pelosi’s good fortunes don’t stop there. Weeks before President Biden signed an executive order to replace the entire federal automobile fleet with electric cars, Mr. Pelosi bought up to $1 million in Tesla stock. Mr. Pelosi has so far seen a 21% return on his investment.
In January of last year, before the coronavirus shut down the economy, Mr. Pelosi purchased Amazon and Facebook stock, which have netted him more than $1 million in paper profit as the companies have thrived during the pandemic.
In late February, after Mrs. Pelosi received a private coronavirus briefing, Mr. Pelosi paid up to $3.3 million to buy technology stocks, including Slack Technologies, which makes messaging software that exploded as people started to work from home.
Source: The Washington Times
At the end of 2021, after lawmakers in her own party started questioning the ethics of members of Congress making money trading stocks, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “We’re a free-market economy. They [lawmakers] should be able to participate in that.”
Her husband sure did participate.
Paul Pelosi bought stock in Alphabet worth between $500,000 and $1 million. He also scooped up shares of Disney worth $100,000 and $250,000 and also bought between $250,000 and $500,000 in call options for chipmaker Micron Technology.
Three days later, on Dec. 20, the couple made two separate purchases in Salesforce — one worth between $100,000 and $250,000 and another between $500,000 and $1 million, as well as one purchase of Roblox worth between $250,000 and $500,000, financial disclosures published Thursday show.
Clearly, Paul Pelosi is an investment savant… either that or the Pelosi family thinks we’re all idiots.
Sure, there might be rampant corruption by Democrats who are using their positions to line their pockets and those of their children, but hey… at least there are no mean tweets.
Maybe Nancy is fleeing Cali because she’s concerned about her constituents finding out that she might have been using the information she gets as an influential member of the Democratic Party to cash in instead of representing their interests in the House of Representatives.
Cross-posted with Clash Daily
Nancy Pelosi’s Son, Nancy Pelosi’s Son, Nancy Pelosi’s Son
Nancy Pelosi’s Son, Nancy Pelosi’s Son, Nancy Pelosi’s Son.