Democrats in Delaware are seeking to wildly expand the definition of “gun” in state laws to include all sorts of hand-held weapons — including toys — so that they can more easily ban things.

They now want to redefine a “gun” in state law with language that maintains that a firearm is “a weapon from which a shot, projectile or other object is designed or may readily be converted to be discharged by force of an explosive, whether operable or inoperable, loaded or unloaded.”

This new definition would cast items including sling shots, paint guns, BB guns, airsoft toys, bows and arrows, crossbows, spear guns, and a whole list of other items as a “firearm.”

Per Just the News:

Under the state’s criminal codes, a firearm includes “any weapon from which a shot, projectile or other object may be discharged by force of combustion, explosive, gas and/or mechanical means, whether operable or inoperable, loaded or unloaded.” BB guns are not included.

But critics say that overly broad definition means many non-lethal weapons, like slingshots, paint guns, and even pumpkin cannons are considered firearms that are subject to the state’s gun control laws.

“Essentially, our law says that anything that fires anything is a firearm,” said state Rep. Jeff Spiegelman, R-Townsend, Clayton, Smyrna, one of the bill’s primary sponsors. “That’s a problem because it encompasses a lot of other technologies and devices that most people do not think of as firearms and are not considered as firearms anywhere else in the nation.”

Of course, the whole purpose of this is so that Democrats can claim all these items are a threat to the public and they can start requiring registration, licenses, or outright banning them at their leisure.

It’s not about safety, America. It’s all about controlling you.

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