Joe Scarborough’s lie of the day for Wednesday, was that unlike Trump, “Everybody saw this [Covid-19] coming in early January.” It can’t be everybody, because Scarborough didn’t see it coming. And when people pointed out that he wasn’t being truthful, Morning Joe whined about being attacked. Joe Scarborough lies
It started with Morning Joe’s program, which I understand is still on TV.
Scarborough on Trump and the Coronavirus: Unlike him, “Everybody saw this coming in early January”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 1, 2020
Tom Elliot went on to point out that people who live in liberal networks shouldn’t throw stones
CORRECTION: That was the first mention on MSNBC. The first mention on Morning Joe was Jan. 24th, when an “expert” said Americans should worry about the flu, not the Coronavirus
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 1, 2020
Took awhile, but I’ve found the first time Scarborough offers any kind of commentary on the Coronavirus. It’s from Feb. 26th … only about 2 months after he said “everybody” was talking about it
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 1, 2020
Glenn Greenwald tracked Joe’s Twitter:
Look what a pathological liar @JoeNBC is. Today he said about the coronavirus pandemic in the US:
"Everybody saw this coming in early January."
Number of @JoeNBC tweets in January by topic:
Impeachment – 29
Election – 11
Sports – 7
Coronavirus –— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 1, 2020
It’s as if Joe and Mika are trying to rewrite history. Disgusting.
— Gurgun (@Gurgun1989) April 1, 2020
The news media is busy rewriting history but Twitter gives ya a nice timeline of their lines.
I’m sure soon Twitter will allow them to add tweets retroactively to fix this.
— adnaP hsarT (@noitaN_lmF) April 1, 2020
The news media is busy rewriting history but Twitter gives ya a nice timeline of their lines.
I’m sure soon Twitter will allow them to add tweets retroactively to fix this.
— adnaP hsarT (@noitaN_lmF) April 1, 2020
Joe like so many in MSM just wants to push the narrative and ignore facts and the fact there is this internet thingy.Any one doing even decent on line investigation can pull up what was being reported and stated. But the fake news folks assume their audience has blind trust
— TullyJustTully (@TullyJust) April 1, 2020
Let’s be real, here.
1/20: First case of COVID-19 in WA state
1/29: WH COVID-19 Task Force launched
1/31: Trump suspends travel from China2/5: Trump Impeachment vote in Senate trial
Impeachment *dominated* the media through early Feb. Trump was on COVID-19 in January.
— Matt ?? (@Xenos_on_ice) April 1, 2020
All these facts made Morning Joe sad, so he whined about being attacked:
Trump hacks are attacking a cable news host for not tweeting about COVID-19 in January and yet here’s Trump one month later saying it is like the flu, a flu shot will get rid of COVID-19 soon, and that only 15 people have the virus and it will soon be zero.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) April 1, 2020
No, Joe, please pull your brain out of your buttocks and listen. You aren’t being attacked because you didn’t tweet about the Chinavirus in January, you are being attacked because you said everybody knew…but you didn’t know. Therefore either you are a nobody, or you are lying because you have a bad case of Trump derangement syndrome (or both).
Hey Joe, you can blame China:
BREAKING: China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House
— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) April 1, 2020
I could go on..
— ??????? ????? (@gazordroig) April 1, 2020
Gee, remember when Joe Scarborough was a conservative Republican? Joe Scarborough has really changed since he started sleeping with his very liberal married co-host, who he eventually married. Back then, I would watch his show every morning. That was before Morning Joe became totally unwatchable, and Scarborough joined the rest of his network in feeding viewers lies and ad hominin attacks against President Trump and everything Republican.
Poor Joe, his TV show has lost its gravitas because it is so biased, hate-filled and laden with Joe Scarborough lies. Possibly because he is such a negative anti-Trumper, Morning Joe never got that radio show he bragged he was getting. And he can’t even be called, “Joe the schmo” because former VP Biden already owns that title.
I wonder if Scarborough believes his own lies. Perhaps he is lying just to make sure his very liberal new wife doesn’t make him sleep on the couch, or break his guitar. If she broke the guitar, Mika would be doing a giant favor for anyone in America who wasn’t deaf.