Guest post by Onan Coca


“I’ve got to stand and fight for liberty and freedom.” — Dr. Paul Broun

I’ll happily admit that I’m a big fan of former (and hopefully soon-to-be again) Congressman, Dr. Paul Broun (R-GA). He is a retired soldier, a medical doctor, and has been fighting for our liberties his entire adult life.

While serving in Congress from 2007 – 2015 for Georgia’s 10th District, Congressman Broun routinely earned an A rating as one of the most conservative congressmen in America. He did not run for reelection in 2014 because he focused his efforts on winning the Senate seat that was being vacated by Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA). Broun lost in the primary to eventual Senator David Perdue (R-GA).

Now, after taking a year away from the life of a politician, he’s returning to the fray in an effort to help House conservatives continue to push back against the establishment.

Broun is running for Congress in Georgia 9th District, which is the most conservative district in Georgia, and the 3rd most conservative in America. His primary opponent (there will be no Democrat running in November, so the primary winner will run unopposed), current Congressman Doug Collins (R-GA), is an establishment crony with an absolutely horrible voting record.

(For example – from Conservative Review Collins earns a grade of “F” and scores a 59% on the rating scale, where a 100% is a perfect conservative score.)

It’s this weak-kneed liberalism that pushed activists in the 9th District (of which a large portion had formerly been in the 10th District) to beseech Dr. Broun to come out of retirement and run for Congress once again. However, while Collins’ liberal values helped convince Broun to run again, it was his votes on several key issues that sealed the deal for Broun.

Collins said he was against funding Planned Parenthood, Obamacare, Amnesty, the Obama refugee plan, No Childe Left Behind, and the Common Core…

But, Collins voted to fund ALL of these things with his support of the horrendous Omnibus bill in the fall. Doug Collins has also been a long-time supporter of John Boehner and is one of the chief cronies responsible for the terrible guidance of the House Republican leaders. The plain truth of the matter is this: Doug Collins does not represent Georgia’s 9th District because he is not a conservative, he’s the very definition of a Washington insider.

Paul Broun

Dr. Broun, on the other hand, has been a consistent defender of our liberty and a staunch conservative his entire time in Washington, D.C. He has fulfilled his campaign promises, and he has always done exactly what he has said he would do. This is why most conservative organizations in Georgia and around the country have chosen to endorse Broun over Collins, even though Collins is the incumbent in the race.Among the endorsements:

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has endorsed Dr. Broun.

Georgia Right to Life

National Association for Gun Rights

A+ Rating from the NRA

The Eagle Forum of Georgia

So, why is Dr. Broun fighting to be the Congressman from Georgia’s 9th District? He told me that there were a few reasons he was trying to get back to Washington, D.C.

“I’ve got to stand and fight for liberty and freedom,” he told me over the phone this past week. He added that our leaders need to be reminded of the “enumerated powers” in the Constitution, and that Republicans should be fighting to “restrain government.”

Dr. Broun explained that, as a representative of the people, he always kept four questions at the forefront of his mind as he was deciding how to vote on legislation. He asks himself: Is it Biblically correct? Is it Constitutional? Do we need it? Can we afford it? If it doesn’t fit within these parameters, then it’s not something the legislature needs to be passing into law.

Dr. Broun continued by laying out his priorities for his first three days in office.

On Day 1:

Reintroduce his bill to “repeal and replace Obamacare,” with the Patient OPTION Act.The Patient OPTION Act is different from approaches offered by other Republicans too.  My plan is totally private sector and does not involve government.  My plan will put patients, doctors, and families back in control.

Reintroduce his Jobs Bill, which would create millions of new jobs and eliminate burdensome taxes.

Revitalizing Free Enterprise is the solution to our economic problems and to creating more private sector jobs. My JOBS Act, which stands for “Jump-starting Our Business Sector” would inject trillions of dollars into the economy overnight by: 

Zeroing out the corporate tax

Zeroing out the death tax

Zeroing out capital gains tax

Allowing businesses to write off capital expenditures

Businesses are the backbone of our economy and these tax cuts will enable them to grow again and to create jobs.

End the Department of Education.

Audit and End the Fed; return the country to sound money and the gold standard.

On Day 2:

Push forward his ten-point Veterans Package plan, because “Taking care of our veterans is both a national security issue and a moral issue.”

On Day 3:

The focus would fall to education reform and continuing the fight to abolish the Department of Education.

Moving towards that requires sending powers back to the states and getting federal bureaucrats out of local education decisions. To act on this during my previous time in Congress, I introduced a bill to abolish the Department of Education. This will be one of the first bills I introduce when I’m in Congress again. We also need to stop the ongoing federal intrusion into education. This intrusion is most evident through Common Core and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which reauthorized No Child Left Behind. Or, as I like to call it “No Teacher Left Unshackled.”

My fellow Georgians, I cannot express this sentiment enough – Dr. Broun is a man deserving of our support and our gratitude. He is fighting for our liberty and he needs our help. He’s asking that you join the fight and climb aboard the FED UP EXPRESS, to defend freedom and change Washington, D.C.

Dr. Broun is the right candidate for these difficult times, and if we really, truly want to see change in Washington, then electing leaders like Dr. Broun is an absolute must.

“If we want to change things, we must elect new leaders who are willing to stop the establishment.”  — Dr. Paul Broun

Please, if you can, help get another strong Constitutional conservative elected to office. You can donate of your time, talent, or treasure to help see Dr. Broun elected over at his website Paul Broun for Congress. Even if you can’t give, please sign up to receive his regular email updates from the campaign trail.

Cross-posted from Eagle Rising