By Andrew West and Jeff Dunetz
CNN has done it again, they’ve saddled the facts with an interpretation that has nothing to do with the truth. As someone who lives close to the part of Suffolk County where MS-13 is killing and maiming our youth, I can vouch for the fact that the vast majority of the community was pleased with the President’s visit last Friday assuring the locals that MS-13 days were numbered. However, according to one CNN commentator, President Trump made the speech to appeal to white nationalists. If that was really the case, President Trump was in the wrong place as Brentwood, the town where he made the speech is 69.4% Hispanic, and 13.5% non-Hispanic Black.
Of the Democratic schemes to delegitimize President Donald Trump, their incessant insistence that the President is a supreme racist may be their most prevalent. We’ve heard countless tales of hatred and bigotry surrounding our Commander in Chief since he announced his candidacy, all stemming from the propaganda echo chambers of the liberal left and their mainstream media lap dogs.
“CNN’s ‘Republican’ pundit Margaret Hoover accused President Donald Trump of blatantly appealing to ‘white nationalists’ when Trump vowed to destroy the MS-13 gang and support police officers in Brentwood, New York, on Friday.
“During an appearance on Anderson Cooper 360 on Friday, Hoover said that though ‘Trump was there to highlight the existence of criminal gangs,’ what Trump ‘was actually doing is he was highlighting the existence of a criminal gang that is South American, El Salvadorian.’
“’But there is a political move here to highlight … people who aren’t white, I think minorities, and to feed part of this really white nationalist, political support of Donald Trump,’ she said. ‘And if this overstates, I think, what the real problem is, we have violent crimes and criminal gangs here in the United States as well full of white people … This really wasn’t a law and order speech in that sense. This … really had a political undertone.’
The problem is MS-13 isn’t attacking “whites,” nationalist or not. At least here on Long Island, they are attacking Hispanics, Blacks and other minorities. The President came to Suffolk County to tell the local minorities that he had their backs.
However, the Panel on AC 360 didn’t understand, possibly because they have never been outside of their own newsrooms because as Hoover made her false charge legacy media reporters like the Washington Post’s Philip Bump bobbed their heads up and down in approval.
“When Bump said that Trump’s rally was ‘intended to tie immigrants to crime,” Hoover agreed. Sure that’s what he was doing…. and that’s why he chose a community of immigrants as the location for his speech, 43.5% of Brentwood residents were born in a foreign country, 40.8% of residents were born in Latin America.
As with many of the President’s proposed policies, there is nothing more to this choice than simply enforcing the laws that already exist in America; laws that have been debated, installed and debated again over the decades. This opposition by the leftists in the Mainstream Media such as CNN is nothing more than a feeble piece of the so-called “resistance” movement that threatens to divide the nation irreparably.
Parts of this post were originally seen at
Watch Hoover’s words on the video below