A Video Record Of Al Sharpton-Fueled Crown Heights Pogrom: What Local News Reported

Facebook Twitter Flipboard   It is the 30th anniversary of what began as a tragic car accident in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, that Al Sharpton escalated into a full-blown pogrom against the Jews. To this day, the MSM incorrectly calls the Crown Heights Riot “racial violence.” Al Sharpton-fueled As we wrote earlier this week, the media […]

By Dunetz שמואל בן נח

August 18, 2021 at 10:21 am

It is the 30th anniversary of what began as a tragic car accident in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, that Al Sharpton escalated into a full-blown pogrom against the Jews. To this day, the MSM incorrectly calls the Crown Heights Riot “racial violence.” Al Sharpton-fueled

As we wrote earlier this week, the media protects Sharpton by giving it the politically correct label “racial violence between the area’s Blacks and Jews.” However, the violence was not two-sided and was not racial. The Crown Heights riot was an attack on “whites” by the neighborhood’s Caribbean community. It was an anti-Semitic attack on Jews fueled in large part by Al Sharpton, the “Reverend” who does not believe in the 9th commandment about “bearing false witness.”The five videos below are a compilation of the local TV news coverage of the Crown Heights pogrom (there were supposed to be six, but the last one couldn't be found).

The five films make it stunningly clear that this incident started as a tragedy, was mismanaged by inept politicians, and an agitator from outside the community inflamed the violence that had started in Crown Heights. Just as he does to this very day with other incidents, Al Sharpton called for arrests before the facts were revealed, complained that the media was only showing the violence. In turn, they protected Sharpton from being revealed as the charlatan he is, as they still do.

Video 1:The Tragedy. BTW notice how the local politicians immediately took sides without waiting for evidence. In this case, the politician disputed the Rabbi's account of the police directing the ambulance to take care of the Jewish driver. The Rabbi's account turned out to be true.

Video 2: Day 2, Complaints the Jews got better medical attention. False reports about the ambulance go viral and stir the violence. Two cops were sent to the hospital, the second night of rioting. Day 3 More violence, cops shot with BB guns, local Blacks continue to attack Jews. Mayor meets with local black groups, even goes to the local schools. Not covered was on the second night was an incident reported in the sworn testimony of Efraim Lipkind, Sharpton started agitating the crowd. “Then we had a famous man, Al Sharpton, who came down, and he said Tuesday night, kill the Jews, two times. I heard him, and he started to lead a charge across the street to Utica.”

Video 3: More of the 3rd night's violence. City leaders get booed by the Black community. Pictures of stores damaged and looted. Al Sharpton demands the arrest of the driver without any facts. Cops were beaten up and mocked. Claims that the violent protesters come from outside of the community. The chants of the now-familiar "no justice, no peace." This time the accusations were not-- too much police action, but the Jews were complaining that there was not enough police action.

Video 4:The Fourth night of the riots. Police show force. Both blacks and Jews complain that the media is showing too much violence. It's true. There were protests during press conferences. Also strange is the mention of Al Sharpton protests but little coverage of Al Sharpton's incitement during protests. The MSM was protecting Sharpton even then. There was little coverage of the Antisemitism displayed at the Sharpton march. Interestingly there was a discussion of how community pressure might affect whether or not there would be a prosecution.

Video5: Night 5 is the first mostly calm night. 500 March with Al Sharpton (surrounded by 2,000 cops). Still more complaints that he would have been arrested if the driver who hit Gavin Cato was black. Jews complain to reporters about outside agitators claiming to be black leaders [Sharpton] inciting the violence. Al Sharpton contends the Jews need to accept the blacks.

It's disappointing that the 6th tape does not exist because it had clips of Gavin Cato's funeral, which Al Sharpton's eulogy dominated. At the funeral, the "civil rights leader" loved by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer let loose with anti-Semitic vitriol. However, there is a written account of Sharpton's putrid vitriol:

"The world will tell us he was killed by accident. Yes, it was a social accident. ... It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights. ... Talk about how Oppenheimer in South Africa sends diamonds straight to Tel Aviv and deals with the diamond merchants right here in Crown Heights. The issue is not anti-Semitism; the issue is apartheid. ... All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no kaffe klatsch, no skinnin' and grinnin'. Pay for your deeds."

The below is from the book "Crown Heights Blacks, Jews, and the 1991 Brooklyn Riot by Edward Shapiro" (presently out of print). It is an account of the anti-Semitic venom spewed by Al Sharpton at Gavin Cato's funeral:

PLEASE CLICK HERE and read the full detailed story Crown Heights Pogrom 

Al Sharpton-fueled, Al Sharpton-fueled, Al Sharpton-fueled, Al Sharpton-fueled
