By Frosty Wooldridge,
Part 3: What’s coming will cause you to have an upset stomach along with an upset mind.
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” ― Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
Growing up on a farm in LeRoy, Michigan, population 500 farmers, I got close to the Earth. I helped my parents plant a quarter-acre garden every spring. Nothing like getting your hands dirty in the dark riches of organic soil!
As the peas, tomatoes, corn, cabbage, squash, green beans, strawberries, and cucumbers broke through to the surface, I witnessed “life” springing toward the light. I used a hoe to cull back the weeds. I picked the caterpillars off the tomato leaves. I watched the summer rains soaking the good earth until it burst forth with its green abundance.
In the autumn, mom grabbed the Ball Jars out of the cellar. We prepared all those vegetable for canning. Family effort. We picked blackberries and raspberries out of the deep woods on our farm. We still own that 80 acres with its big 120 year old farm house. It used be warmed by a wood burning furnace. I used the outhouse until I was seven. Once we installed a toilet and shower, well, I pretty much felt that I had made it to heaven.
For certain, I wish every American kid could grow up on a farm. You get to see chickens hatch. You get to gather eggs. You get to see baby sheep and calves being born. You get to tap tree sap from the trees and boil it down to rich maple syrup. I think it tastes better when you do it yourself. Did you know that it takes 40 gallons of tree sap to boil down to one gallon of maple syrup? That’s why it costs so much in the grocery store.
As a teen, I drove a big green John Deere tractor, 1949 B, dawn to dusk. I cut hay, I baled hay, I mowed hay up the the rafters in grandpas big barn. I planted corn. I cultivated it. I cut it and brought it to silage in the silo. I dug potatoes and got 2 cents a bushel for cucumbers. My brother Rex and I shoveled a lot of cow, horse and pig manure! We spread it all over the back 100 acres to feed the soil with nutrients. I milked a lot of cows with my grandpa Jesse Ward Johnson. He worked every day of his life until he died. I always looked up to him.
When I look at all the kids today bending their necks 10 hours a day with their fancy cell phones, I can’t help but feel pity for their lack of growing up on a farm. It grounds you! It gives you purpose because the day isn’t done until the chores are completed. It keeps you in touch with the Earth. It balances you. It gives you an appreciation of all four seasons.
So, what does that have to do with “Earth Day 2050?”
Have you thought about 26 years from now? Do you understand the United States faces horrendous consequences as to what its leaders are doing to all of us? Have you thought about what’s coming?
As it Part 1 of this series, you saw that a mere 3.5 billion humans lived on this planet in 1970. A scant 195 million Americans occupied the lower 48 states. Now, we house 350 million plus another 40 million illegal aliens in our country. Do you understand that we grow by 4 million more people annually, net gain? Do the math: 4 million by 26 years gives you 100,000,000 more “resource competitors” who will demand an incredible amount of food, water, resources and energy.
But no one is talking about it. Why? There’s not a single TV program mentioning what’s going to happen to this country in 26 years with such a horrendous population overload. Ted Nye, the science guy, on NPR won’t speak to it. Those news boys and girls at “60 Minutes” avoid anyone who wants to address it. I’ve tried for 20 years to interview on “60 Minutes.” They run from my three books showing exactly what we’re facing. They keep the American people deliberately ignorant as to what’s coming to our civilization. They won’t interview the top 20 population specialists that I have offered them.
Sure, the weather people warn you about snow and rain storms to save you from disaster. They warn you about tornadoes so you can run. But not a single one of them will educate you as to the horrendous amount of people about to land on America in 26 short years.
Here’s one reported by NPR last week: we lose 3,500 square miles of wilderness every ten years to growth in our society. That’s a lot of land. That’s millions of new houses, new roads, new resource competitors. Where do the animals go? Answer: they go extinct.
There’s nobody talking about the fact that the Colorado River cannot feed another 20 million people about to land on California in the next 26 years. They will jump from 39 million to 59 million people.
And yet, our “brilliantly moronic Congress” keeps importing millions upon millions of refugees as if THAT will solve our already overwhelmed society. Our dementia-plagued President Biden commits every child living in 2050 to a totally unstable and unsustainable civilization in a mere 26 years. He’s that stupid, that inept and that incompetent. Or, at least his handlers choose this insane path, the ones who are actually running this country. But half this country will vote for him and support him. Are we screwed or what?
Part 4: In part four of this series, I’m going to cover the extent of the crises that your kids will be experiencing. I’m going to ask you to understand what our airports are going to look like with millions of more planes flying the friendly skies. I’m going to refer you to books that will scare the pants off of you. I’m going to show you what happens when you lack water for drinking and flushing. Whether it’s catastrophic climate destabilization, no more gasoline, and no more of the resources to create batteries or plumbing or wiring—-that’s what you’re facing 26 years from now.
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” — Robert Swan
“Is the spring coming?” he said. “What is it like?”… “It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine…” ― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
“We are on Earth to take care of life. We are on Earth to take care of each other.” — Xiye Bastida
“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” — John Muir
Frosty Wooldridge is a population-immigration-environmental specialist, a speaker at colleges, civic clubs, high schools and conferences, and a six continent world bicycle traveler, speaker/writer/adventurer.
Web: and Facebook: Frosty Wooldridge.