A New York woman is charging the New York Mets pro baseball team with discrimination for denying her entrance to the stadium because she was wearing a Trump hat.

Aura Moody told the New York Post that she was told that she was not allowed to enter Citi Field to see a Mets game because she had on Trump’s signature red “Make America Great Again” cap. Stadium officials told her the hat was “too political” to be allowed.

Moody said that both she and her friend, Taisha, were turned away from the ballpark last Wednesday over their MAGA hats.

“The United States of America is no longer the vehicle of freedom and tolerance. I am living under a communist regime where our freedoms are trampled upon…that was the first thought that came to my mind,” Moody, 64, told The Post of her shock at being asked to remove her hat.

Moody said she tried to invoke her First Amendment rights multiple times but was told by the staffer that the MAGA cap was “too political” and she needed to take it off.

Moody and Taisha – who are both on the board of the Queens Village Republican Club – only agreed to take their hats off because they were worried about inconveniencing the rest of their group, who were already in their seats, Moody said.

“I just want the American people to wake up,” Moody said. “We are on the verge of communism, a system that confiscates private property, a system that is against meritocracy, a system that indoctrinates people.”

Moody went on to say that she supports Trump because she feels he will oppose the left’s efforts to destroy the country.

For its part, the Mets organization now claims that it all was juuust a “mistake” that Moody was treated that way and that MAGA hats are not on their banned list.

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