If you need more proof that the recent election has not taught Democrats that Americans hate them because they are leftist, lunatic, fascists, the Democrats in Michigan are here to remind us of their inability to learn political lessons by passing a ban on eggs, unless they are “cage free.”
You read that right, Michigan Democrats now want to ban your breakfast.
Per Fox News:
Michigan lawmakers modified the Animal Industry Act in 2019, requiring shell eggs from chickens, ducks and other fowl, sold in the state to be from cage-free housing systems, starting Dec. 31, 2024.
The new law, though, does not apply to the sale of shell eggs produced on a farm with less than 3,000 egg-laying hens, nor does it apply to liquid or cooked eggs.
But for those farms affected, the law prohibits business owners from selling eggs from an egg-laying hen if care cannot be provided while standing within the hens’ usable floor space.
Democrats really are a menace to society. In every way possible.
All this is going to do is drive up the price of eggs and drive down availability to the poor people suffering under these Democrat loons.
So, if you are a voter in Michigan and find you can no longer get your eggs — and when you do, you’re paying twice what those in every other state is paying — you can thank your own idiocy for voting for fascist Democrats.
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