by Conor Coughlin
The Dept of Energy (DOE) has hired a Hollywood Super-Hero to help Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm hand over control of the DOE’s $62 billion budget to the Biden regime’s new Clean Energy Corp.
This new video has a highly-paid actor pretending to be a smart intern, claiming the $62 billion sent by Congress to the DOE isn’t going to spend itself. The apparatchik needs you to believe that DOE is desperately seeking professional help, but not for their delusional policies. This Orwellian plan aims to convince voters that the DOE can be trusted to provide unbiased information, but only if it comes from an official EPA-approved Hollywood superstar.
The dumbest bureaucrats on the planet have devised a marketing plan to promote a more equitable clean energy future for the American people. To truly understand the Orwellian nature of this new propaganda campaign, consider visiting the DOE’s Office of Science and read its mission statement. The DOE is the agency that turned science and logic upside-down decades ago. The Office of Science is just one of the many bureaus manipulating global energy markets through phony scientific research programs. The DOE claims they created the Office of Science after WWII, but records show the Dept of Energy was created in 1977. That thirty-year discrepancy wasn’t accidental; it was typical for this agency. It was designed to enhance the reputations of government employees that had worked on war efforts like the Manhattan Project, which politicians in the mid-1970s told Americans would someday deliver a Peace Dividend. That Peace Dividend never materialized, but the research continued.
The new DOE campaign appears to continue the old Save Energy Now program. A $100 billion boondoggle that funded 200 “industrial assessments” by staff at major universities. The Save Energy Now scam had top universities seeking to assist EPA private-sector partners in making their industrial facilities more profitable and productive by providing extraordinary access to our National Laboratories. Fake News outlets had to suppress all news on that fiasco, because not even the Pentagon generals would have considered spending $100 billion on worthless “industrial assessments” to be a cost-effective use of taxpayer revenue. To be clear, that $100 billion didn’t buy any technology. US taxpayers bought 200 “industrial assessments,” which today are just as worthless as the FTX cryptocurrency used to influence recent elections’ outcomes.
Those DOE programs allowed private-sector investors to make big bucks off of back-room schemes tied to the EPA’s new Smart Grid product lines, as described in a 2020 Smart Grid report released in May of 2022 by the Office of Electricity. The Office of Electricity was created back in 2003 to protect our National Electrical Grid from cyber-attacks by hostile forces. The National Security mission of the Office of Electricity was real. Still, under the Obama regime, the program became a giant slush fund for bureaucrats from the Intel Community, NGOs, and UN business-driven enterprises that could erect barriers to all other competitors. Under Obama, the DOE laundered hundreds of billions of dollars under the guise of Smart Grid applications while supplying billions of dollars in matching funds to their private-sector partners that remain unknown to the public.
It’s essential to understand all of those programs were pretending to be legitimate business ventures that corporations anticipated achieving a return on their investments. If the program ends in abject failure, the matching funds provided to those large private investors ensured they would lose nothing if a program went bad because they would probably retain control over the carbon-credit market associated with the venture. Add into that mix the EPA: Lead By Example guidelines from 2009, which directed bureaucrats to claim ENERGY STAR products were saving 25% to 50% more electricity than similar products, creating a lucrative new commodity from imaginary energy-savings that are worth tens of billions of dollars annually. Anybody can confirm these claims by visiting the various new “Offices” that the Biden regime has recently placed online, as the Media-Entertainment-Complex scrubs the news-worthy articles produced by honest outlets.
This obvious double standard has created major conflict-of-interest issues for the DOE and the EPA’s new Smart Home Energy Management System, which is neither new nor innovative. What is new would be that ENERGY STAR ® is now the official brand of the WTO, UN, WEF, and Communist China, despite the fact Congress never approved the EPA creating any for-profit enterprises or the invention of a multi-billion dollar commodity based on imaginary electrical energy-savings.
Fake News outlets are suppressing that ENERGY STAR® “certified” Samsung, a South Korean multinational corporation, as its first Smart Grid provider to market EPA-approved products that save energy, save money and protect the planet. There is no evidence to support that claim, but nobody in the DC Swamp cares about that fact. Their thinking about applying for a high-paying job as an intern for the Clean Energy Corp, and helping the DOE blow through that $62 billion pile of cash sent by Congress.
Cross-Posted with n4mation