How can the USA enforce any Uniform Commercial Code when organizations like the Berkeley California-China Climate Institute can create their own Climate Corps® as part of a Global Alliance of Universities on Climate economic model? Corporate media suppressed that in 2019, former California governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown and education bureaucrats had partnered up with China’s Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development at Tsinghua University. As the world was distracted by the threat of World War III breaking out, shadowy green groups were pushing the U.N.’s phony Race to Resilience and Race to Zero campaigns. Which has set up its own Global Ambassadors division to curry favors with politicians for an innovative fellowship program to train graduate students in the road-mapping of climate commitments by big business, government, and UN-controlled NGOs.

In March of 2023, this non-profit group released a new plan for ‘Forging a Shared Path to a Net-Zero Future: U.S. China Climate Action Opportunities Paper Series” to accelerate climate action. This non-profit group also allied with 12 world-leading universities allegedly working on your behalf to create a global climate governance model. The media had to keep the public in the dark about this Orwellian form of double-speak because they knew these groups had no evidence to support any of their delusional claims.

This California group is operated by former governor Moonbeam, and working with his Chinese partners over at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Chinese People’s Ass. for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. These are in collusion with the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), a U.N. initiative with funding being provided by the European Union, Germany, Finland, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates.

This serves a similar function to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), which is another large non-profit group that is responsible for driving up electrical rates while pretending to act on behalf of the poor and downtrodden. They claim to conduct joint research, training, and dialogue on government energy efficiency, but their primary goal appears to be all about gaining access to EPA “certified” energy-efficiency products. Which produces one of the most lucrative commodities ever invented by government lawyers. The value behind that mythical artifact was made possible after the Dept of Energy released its EPA: Lead By Example guidelines in 2009. Which directed state bureaucrats to “estimate” that the EPA’s premium-priced brand of ENERGY STAR products was suddenly producing 25% to 50% more electrical savings than similar products and services. That was an easily provable lie that was accepted as Gospel truth by the political elites.

Once that double standard was firmly established in the minds of bureaucrats, the Environmental Defense Fund’s Business division was free to create its own Climate Corps® brand as part of an innovative fellowship program. The EDF was founded in 1967 and claims to have a unique approach that draws heavily on science, economics, and bipartisan outreach. The signature element of EDF is its ability to form partnerships around common goals, like finding opportunities for sustainability and bottom-line gains for their corporate partners. That allowed EDF to produce “Special Reports” claiming their efforts to pair students with companies and public institutions could benefit groups like Black Rock, which were seeking new ways to accomplish emissions reduction goals. Except, that none of these so-called experts could ever describe how energy consumption was being reduced or how any U.S. business could compete on a level field against a U.N. business-driven NGO marketing EPA products to their wealthy pals.

No information was ever provided to explain how these massive university-run initiatives could possibly reduce GHG emissions because all those efforts were based on “estimated” electrical energy savings. These were all imagined values conjured up by bureaucrats who may have had a financial interest in pushing green initiatives. Americans aren’t allowed to know that the California Berkeley brand, run by Moonbeam Brown and his Vice Chair Mary Nichols, was a government-aligned group that was marketing energy efficiency training courses to the Communist Chinese. In order to make their industrial sector more efficient and productive, they imposed draconian regulations on their own business communities.

Those efforts conducted on behalf of China were suppressed by the media so that Californians wouldn’t be reminded of the recall of C.A. Governor Grey Davis. Which occurred on October 7, 2003, as a result of the California Energy Crisis in 2000-2001 that had artificially driven up electric rates by 50% in West Coast states. While the media tried to make it sound like the Republicans were using the recall to create a “perpetual elections” scenario to undermine their progressive Who Controls The Climate Corps At The Berkeley California-China Climate Institute? agenda. The media sought to ignore the billions of dollars lost to phony “Power Trades”, which were simply lumped together with the $38 billion deficit that Governor Davis was accused of hiding from the public. Over the following decades, the media perpetuated the myth created by Gray Davis, who selected Mary Nichols as his Secretary of Natural Resources, who had helped to establish the emission reduction goals for California’s Cap and Trade policies. Later reports showed that Oil and gas company emissions were actually continuing to rise.

Mary Nichols had founded the Los Angeles chapter of the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) back in 1989 and was probably fully aware of the secret West Coast Governors Global Warming Initiative that her boss had signed onto just two weeks before being driven from office. Governor Davis was recalled for his role in the California Energy Crisis of 2000-2001, in which the electric rates on the West Coast were driven up by 50% from fraudulent “Power Trades” that had been conducted by utility bosses. Media deliberately suppressed the fact that those three corrupt West Coast governors had taken that unconstitutional position because the U.S. Senate had rejected the U.N.’s Kyoto Protocols as totally ineffective. The elites didn’t care about the law, they were going to make money from carbon-credit trading schemes. That same corrupt process is still being applied to the Paris Climate Deal, and the media is continuing to manipulate the truth for the benefit of state or regional organizations.

International news agencies reported extensively on the fact that Californians had recalled Gray Davis, but the sole notification for the treacherous West Coast Governors scam appears to have been provided by in a single NRDC press release. Despite the abject failure of local and regional bodies to ever achieve any meaningful GHG emission reductions, international organizations like the Climate Group will continue to pretend that progress is being made in the U.N.’s upcoming Cop-28 conference. The media will amplify the claims that you can really trust the Management Team and Board Directors at the Climate Group because they’re totally into the green.
