For someone who ran on a COVID-19 platform, you’d think he knows that when we say ‘the pandemic, ’ we mean that Wuhan virus that shut down the world. So, how do we explain this?

At a commencement speech where he pandered to racial stereotypes to a degree that tips the hand to how desperate he is to leverage fear to motivate a voting block he can’t possibly hope to inspire, Joe Biden said something about the pandemic that even his spin team must be having trouble keeping up with.

In this clip, Joe is claiming that he was… well, let’s hear it in his own words:


Vice President? Pandemic? Obama?

Either he’s clueless that the capital-P pandemic is understood to mean when COVID-19 shut down the global economy, not lesser problems of previous decades (which would be bad enough), or he’s saying that he was taking marching orders from Obama during his presidency.

Ironically, that squares perfectly with how Obama once openly fantasized about how a third term would look with him calling the shots and someone else playing the role.

Is he so muddled that he no longer understands the difference between events during the terms of the 44th and 46th presidents? Or is he admitting that someone OTHER than the one the American public (allegedly) elected is making decisions that impact the entire country?

Cross-posted with Clash Daily