Via TikTok, China Helps Spread Antisemitic Ignorance

Facebook Twitter Flipboard   Since Hamas’ unprovoked Oct. 7 massacre, anti-Jew­ish hate has exploded on Tik­Tok. This isn’t surprising, considering the Chinese communists who own TikTok have long encouraged Anti­semit­ism. d State-run media in China reg­u­larly say Jews con­trol the world eco­nomy and foreign policy. Execrable social media types cheer on Hamas and claim Israelis […]

By Ari Kaufman

November 14, 2023 at 4:23 pm

Since Hamas' unprovoked Oct. 7 massacre, anti-Jew­ish hate has exploded on Tik­Tok. This isn't surprising, considering the Chinese communists who own TikTok have long encouraged Anti­semit­ism.


State-run media in China reg­u­larly say Jews con­trol the world eco­nomy and foreign policy. Execrable social media types cheer on Hamas and claim Israelis are Nazis. Chinese com­pan­y Baidu lit­er­ally erased Israel from their maps. When Treas­ury Sec­ret­ary Janet Yellen visited Beijing this summer, China debated whether she had "dual loy­alty" to the United States government and Wall Street.


Therefore, in the wake of Hamas' genocidal pogrom last month, lies about Israel exploded on the Chinese-run social media platform. When reminded that massive misinformation and Anti­semit­ism engulf their plat­forms, Tik­Tok claimed it's trying to com­bat the surge in bigotry.


Until then, the brainwashing of the dumbest voices will continue as TikTok creates conditions for anti-Semitic violence on our streets.


Young people have long been the least informed among us, but TikTok's bias has exacerbated their dangerous ignorance. Today, 70% of Americans aged 12–17, over 75% aged 18–24, and more than half of those aged 25–34 use TikTok for fake news. It's also the top search engine for Generation Z, most of whom undoubtedly can't find Gaza on a map.


By tweaking a TikTok algorithm, the CCP censors information and influences people on various issues and conclusions they draw from world affairs.


Like good leftists, Beijing bans cri­ti­cism it doesn't like. You can't post a picture of Win­nie the Pooh because it's seen as a jab at Pres­id­ent Xi Jin­ping, but you can rant about Jew­ish money-grubbing all you like.


The original argument for ban­ning Tik­Tok in the U.S. surrounded its broader threats to national secur­ity. However, the current iteration regards having a for­eign power amp­li­fy­ing Jew-hatred to impressionable American minds the stand­ard indict­ment of Zion­ism practices "apartheid." That's heinous libel, especially when Islamists wish death to all Jews, and China is the most nat­iv­ist nation on Earth. Thanks to Nazi-like con­cep­tions of racial pur­ity, only 16,595 of China's 1.4 bil­lion cit­izens are nat­ur­al­ized cit­izens.


Not all Chinese cit­izens are equal. Many non-Han Chinese are second-class cit­izens, required to show pass­ports to leave their ter­rit­or­ies. Han Chinese are eras­ing ancient cul­tures in Mon­go­lia, Tibet, and particularly in Xinji­ang, home of the Uyghurs. The Chinese, not Israelis, are prac­ti­cing "set­tler-colo­ni­al­ism" on a grand scale.


The Uyghurs, who are predominantly Muslims, are thrown into slave prison camps and banned from prac­ti­cing their reli­gion. Their mosques and cemeter­ies are razed. This is rarely condemned by the hypocritical press. Juda­ism, which isn't recognized as a reli­gion, must be practiced secretly.

After meet­ing with Xi last June, Palestinian Author­ity pres­id­ent Mah­moud Abbas risibly assured the world that China's per­se­cu­tion of Muslim Uyghurs "had nothing to do with human rights." He almost sounds like an illiterate basketball star or Google CEO.

But Israel, where more than one in five cit­izens are not Jew­ish, is a unique protector of human rights and demo­cracy. While the United Nations down­plays China's abuses, the Gen­eral Assembly has con­demned Israel 140 times in the past decade. China? Zero.

Beijing's foment­ing hatred of Israel and Jews is clearly another dis­trac­tion from its own sins and a way to encourage global Anti­semit­ism and anti-Amer­ic­an­ism.

But it doesn't explain why so many Palestinians and privileged Western people believe that a truly oppress­ive regime has the moral authority to con­demn Israel.

Nor does it explain why self-proclaimed pro­ponents of lib­eral val­ues are offen­ded by Israel, the only Middle Eastern nation dedicated to a pluralistic democracy.

And it surely does not explain why, after a barbaric murder of Jewish children, the omnipresent media message is that Israel is the aggressor for protecting their civilians from real existential threats of genocide


Someone should ask the pro-Hamas students on TikTok. Or perhaps Joe Biden can raise the issue Wednesday in San Francisco.



Ari J. Kaufman is the managing editor of the Tri-Cities Business Journal. He's written for several newspapers, is the author of three books, is a frequent guest on radio programs, and contributes to Israel National News and here at The Lid.