Test scores in history and civics among American eighth graders have hit lows not seen in 20 years, according to the first Nation’s Report Card released since before the pandemic years.

The Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) releases its National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) every four years, and this year’s release shows some shocking results.

Per Breitbart News:

The history and civics rests were administered to a “representative sample” of 8,000 eighth graders in spring 2022.

Roughly 40 percent of eighth graders scored “below basic” in U.S. History, up from 34 percent in 2018 and 28 percent in 2014. Just 13 percent were considered proficient in the subject, down from 18 percent in 2014.

The average score on the NAEP’s history scale reached 258, down from its 2014 peak of 267 and one point lower than the score of the subject’s first assessment in 1994.

The NAEP measures scores on a scale of 0-300.

Additionally, the civics score declined for the first time since the assessment began testing the subject in 1998. The average civics score fell three points from 153 to 150, the same score from the 1998 assessment.

Further, 31 percent of students scored “below basic” in civics, while 22 percent were considered proficient.

With the proliferation of far-left philosophy among teachers, can one really expect our students to excel in civics or history? Generally, they believe that the United States and the way our government works is evil. Just watch how they teach about Supreme Court Justices who believe in originalism and/or the very controversial Critical Race Theory, which led to parent protests and the attorney general wanting those parents arrested.

The lower results also come from years of draconian COVID lockdowns and school closings that have destroyed our educational system. When COVID-19 policy dominated the landscapes, the iron-fisted American Federation of Teachers (AFT)  Randi Weingarten demanded billions of taxpayer dollars. The head of this most powerful union demanded and received paid Covid time off. Even as schoolchildren and teachers were no longer at risk and the schools were deemed safe — Weingarten refused to adhere to science and locked the school gates. Making children a priority was the furthest thing from her mind, but satisfying the influential AFT donors is the closest thing to politicians’ minds.

These civics and history results come from years of draconian COVID lockdowns and school closings that have destroyed our educational system. And it is not getting better.

Product of The Lid and iPatriot