Note: This is a basic overview of the 180-page long Mid-East Peace plan proposal from President Trump that has been endorsed by Israel, and rejected by the Palestinian Authority. I have just received the full proposal and have begun to read and digest it. Until I do I cannot add commentary/opinion to what the president proposed. Trump’s Mid-East Peace Plan
Below the overview is a general map of what the president is proposing, and a video of the President’s presentation—there will be more to come:
President Donald J. Trump’s Vision for Peace, Prosperity, and a Brighter Future for Israel and the Palestinian People
- This Vision is the most serious, realistic, and detailed plan ever presented, one that could make Israelis, Palestinians, and the region safer and more prosperous.
- This Vision is just the first step and provides the basis for historic progress toward peace. The United States hopes this Vision will lead to direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
- It will be up to Israeli and Palestinian leaders to take courageous and bold actions to end the political stalemate, resume negotiations on the basis of this Vision, and make lasting peace and economic prosperity a reality.
- If the Palestinians have concerns with this Vision, they should bring them forth in the context of good-faith negotiations with the Israelis and help make progress for the region.
- Mere opposition to this Vision is simply a declaration of support for the hopeless status quo that is the product of decades of stale thinking.
- President Trump secured agreement from both Prime Minister Netanyahu and opposition leader Lieutenant General Benny Gantz to come to Washington, where they agreed to use this Vision as a basis for negotiation.
- For the first time in this conflict, President Trump has reached an understanding with Israel regarding a map setting forth borders for a two-state solution.
- President Trump has been bringing historic enemies in the region closer together, and his actions are promoting normalized relations between Israel and its neighbors.
- Israel has now agreed to terms for a future Palestinian State.
- The Vision aims to achieve mutual recognition of the State of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people and the future State of Palestine as the nation-state of the Palestinian people, with equal civil rights for all citizens within each state.
- The Vision creates a path for the Palestinian people to realize their legitimate aspirations for independence, self-governance, and national dignity.
- Under this Vision, neither Palestinians nor Israelis will be uprooted from their homes.
- The Vision fully addresses Israel’s security requirements, does not ask Israel to take additional security risks, and enables Israel to defend itself by itself against any threats.
- The Vision provides for a demilitarized Palestinian state living peacefully alongside Israel, with Israel retaining security responsibility west of the Jordan River.
- Over time, the Palestinians will work with the United States and Israel to assume more security responsibility as Israel reduces its security footprint.
- The status quo at the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif will be preserved.
- The special and historic role of the King of Jordan with regard to the Muslim Holy Shrines in Jerusalem will be preserved.
- All Muslims are welcome to peacefully visit al-Aqsa Mosque.
- Israel has agreed to a four-year land freeze to secure the possibility of a two-state solution.
- Jerusalem will stay united and remain the capital of Israel, while the capital of the State of Palestine will be Al-Quds and include areas of East Jerusalem.
- The Vision’s map will more than double the size of the land currently used by the Palestinians.
- Beyond territory, the Vision provides for Palestinian use and management of facilities at the Haifa and Ashdod ports, Palestinian development of a resort area on the north shore of the Dead Sea, and continued Palestinian agricultural activity in the Jordan Valley.
- The Vision proposes modern and efficient transportation links for easy travel and movement of goods throughout the future state of Palestine, including Gaza and the West Bank.
- The Middle East needs strong regional partnerships to counter Iran and terrorism, strengthen security, and unlock vast opportunities for economic investment and regional prosperity.
- President Trump has cultivated these regional partnerships, helping historic enemies identify shared threats and mutually beneficial opportunities, facilitating the prospect of normalized relationships between Israel and its neighbors.
- This Vision will serve as a strong platform from which to further improve regional dynamics and strengthen regional partnerships.
- Under this Vision, Palestinian refugees will be given a choice to live within the future State of Palestine, integrate into the countries where they currently live or resettle in a third country.
- The United States will work with the international community to establish a generous trust to aid in the process of resettling refugees.
- The Vision incorporates the massive $50 billion Peace to Prosperity economic plan, which will spur the Palestinian economy.
- When properly implemented, the Vision will:
- Create more than 1 million new jobs;
- More than double Palestinian GDP; and
- Reduce unemployment below 10% and cut the poverty rate in half.