By Joe Newby

Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s name was left off Florida primary ballots according to reports relayed by Fox News’ Jennifer Eckhart on Twitter who said the local Fox affiliate has received “dozens of complaints.”

Eckhart wrote the irregularities are in “Jupiter County” which does not exist. She probably meant the town of Jupiter or Palm Beach County where Jupiter is located. Palm Beach County is where Trump’s Florida base Mar-a-Lago is located.

Here’s Eckhart’s tweet:

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Others — including Trump — also went berserk and thought they smelled a conspiracy:

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But what Taylor, Trump, Eckhart and so many others apparently forgot (or chose to ignore) is that Florida’s primary is CLOSED, which means that only registered Republicans can vote for Republicans.

Unfortunately, Taylor forgot to add that little tidbit in her report, even though there were numerous tweets explaining this.



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Not only that, but a quick visit to the Florida state elections page would have explained it in detail:


Apparently, that would’ve required something called “journalism…” and “fact-checking,” which in this case took all of about a minute or less.  Just saying…

Naturally, the comments at her article were pretty much what you’d expect:


So, it’s Cruz’s fault that Florida is a closed primary?  Really?  I think it may be time to invest in tin foil…

Trust me on this — If I thought there were any valid cases of voter fraud, I’d be on it like white on rice.  But this hyperventilating over nothing-burgers is frankly getting old.  Some of these sites really need to start doing a much better job of checking their information before whipping up the masses.

Cross posted with permission from Conservative Firing Line: