I wish they would make up their minds. First, they say Trump hates Muslims, now they claim he’s waging jihad,
And the only thing this mentally challenged liberal governor has proven is that Chris Cuomo of CNN is the smarter of the Cuomo brothers, and that is not saying very much.
If you’re wondering how low Democrats will get in their attacks on Pres. Trump over his immigration policies, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo may have provided an answer.
Not content merely to heap the usual “Nazi” accusations on the president, Cuomo evoked the word that entered the English language, and Americans’ consciousness, after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001: jihad. By enforcing immigration laws, Cuomo said, Trump is conducting a “jihad” on illegal aliens. A “crusade,” too.
Considering he is from the state where this abomination occurred 17 years ago, you’d think Cuomo would be slightly less cavalier in throwing around that term.
Cuomo was in the midst of a photo op in Puerto Rico, where he had traveled to denounce the administration over its handling of hurricane relief efforts. He then veered slightly off the path to a discussion of border security and deportation efforts.
In the video that follows, Cuomo declared, “This administration is on a crusade against people who they do not consider original Americans,” adding that the only “original Americans” are “Native American tribes.”
Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo claims Trump is on a “JIHAD” to deport illegal immigrants. pic.twitter.com/m6QpcrSSsg
— Ryan Saavedra ???????? (@RealSaavedra) July 23, 2018
“What they’ve done at the border is an example of it, what they’ve done in Puerto Rico, and they are on a jihad to deport as many people as they can who they believe are not in the United States legally,” he went on to state.
So upholding the law is now a religious war, which is what jihad means literally? Would Cuomo claim the same about any other law enforcement actions? Are police officers engaged in a jihad against bank robbers, drug dealers, drunk drivers, and so on?
In November of 2017, Cuomo spoke about a terrorist attack in which a man rented a pickup truck and ran people over on a bike path in New York City. The jihadist killed eight people and injured nearly a dozen more while shouting “Allahu Akbar.”