Tonight’s debate is the political equivalent of coming up to bat in the bottom of the ninth behind 6 six runs. This Donald Trump’s last chance to change the minds of a major segment of the American public all at once. And the Wednesday night debate will be the major topic in today’s Lid Radio show, and we be discussing tonight’s contest with my good friend and Reporter for Sinclair Broadcasting Rafael “Raffi” Williams. So be sure to tune in at 2pm Eastern by clicking on these SHR Media network or High Plains Talk Radio links.
Raffi is a reporter/blogger for the Sinclair Broadcasting website Circa News Former Deputy Press Secretary for the Republican National Committee,Staff Assistant for the House Rules Committee, then Communications Director at Benishek for Congress. Raffi was named one of The Hill’s 50 Most Beautiful (political) People 2014, and a “White dude telling me how to do this Black thing” by blind Ebony Magazine editor Jamilah Lemieux.
One of the great parts of doing this blogging/reporting thing is meeting people who I generally like, and who becomes a fast and close friend. Raffi, who will join us at the beginning of the show is one of those people. It is an honor to have him on today’s Lid Radio Show.
Join Raffi, and me as we discuss tonight’s debate and the presidental race. Follow Raffi on Twitter at @Raffiwilliams, and on Facebook. And of course at Circa News
Today’s Lid Radio show at 2PM EDT is going to GREAT, so make sure to listen clicking on the SHR Media, or the High Plains Talk Radio links. And make sure come into the chat room to ask questions or comment. Oh and along with the Lid Radio show every Wednesday (Repeated on Monday and Friday) on SHR Media and High Plains Talk Radio I can be followed @yidwithlid on twitter, on my site , on Facebook, and in the Jewish Star newspaper.
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See you on the Lid Radio Show at 2PM Eastern.