Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Make sure to tune in today at 2PM Eastern, because today’s Lid Radio Show will be a  BLOCKBUSTER! Our Special Guest is Marc Morano executive editor and chief correspondent for ClimateDepot.com. So make sure to tune in at 2pm to SHRMedia and High Plains Talk Radio or listen via the player at the bottom of this post.

Marc is a climate skeptic super-star who is at the forefront of the battle against the scare tactics of the climate change-pushers who do not permit any challenge to the orthodoxy of their hypothesis that the Earth is getting warmer because of the actions of mankind.  That is a dangerous position now that a leading British green group is suggesting a penal colony for skeptics.

Marc and I will talk about why it isn’t getting warmer? How the recent cold snap on the east coast had nothing to do with climate change (the California wildfires,  Hurricanes, or the fact that I am bald also have nothing to do with Climate Change) nor does the recent snowfall in the Sahara Desert. We may also bring up whether Prince Charles’ keeps pushing back his climate tipping point because his only other real job is waiting for his Mum to pass away so he can become king.

If have any interest in the truth about the truth about the climate change hypothesis, then ClimateDepot should be a daily read (it is for me). At ClimateDepot Marc uses facts to fight misinformation advanced by the Global Warming enthusiasts. And on February 26th you can get a copy of Marc Morano’s new book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change gives a voice — backed by statistics, real-life stories, and incontrovertible evidence — to the millions of “deplorable” Americans skeptical about the multibillion-dollar “climate change” complex, whose claims have time and time again been proven wrong. You can pre-order The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change at Amazon.

And if you are looking for some climate skeptic fun (and I mean fun) between today’s show and February 26th, you must get yourself a copy of Climate Hustle a brutally funny and fact filled video produced by and starring Marc Morano. Climate Hustle covers the overheated environmental con job of climate change. Click here to get your copy.(I have one but sorry–it’s MINE). How good is Climate Hustle? In 2015, Morano was visited the UN ParisLid Radio Show Climate deal negotiations for a special premiere of the movie and the climate enthusiasts reacted by plastering posters at the conference and on streets around the conference with Morano’s face declaring him a “Climate Criminal”

So be sure to tune in at 2pm Eastern by clicking on these SHR Media network or High Plains Talk Radio links (or use the player and chat room below) for a fun and informative look at the latest in climate change scare tactics.  And make sure to follow Marc Morano on Facebook by clicking here, or on twitter  @ClimateDepot.

As for your host, along with the Lid Radio show every Wednesday. I can be followed  @yidwithlid on twitter, on my sites Lidblog.com  and Lidsvids.com, on Facebook, and in the Jewish Star newspaper.

AND PLEASE sign up to get the daily Lid Newsletter (it’s free) click on  –>https://lidblog1.wpenginepowered.com/subscribe/

See you at 2PM EDT:

Listen to the show on the player below or at these SHR Media or High Plains Talk Radio links And don’t forget to join in on the chat using the chat room underneath the player below:

Listen to “The Lid Radio Show” on Spreaker.

Here is the ChatRoll embed:





Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?