Your calendar is correct –today is Wednesday. And beginning today July 6th The Lid Radio Show will be coming to your computer each Wednesday at 2PM Eastern, You can listen at SHR Media and High Plains Talk Radio. We are kicking off our move to Hump Day with a blockbuster show, guests Tami Jackson and Ed Morrissey.
Our guest at 2:00PM is my close friend and former radio partner, Tami Jackson. Tami is the Host of her own radio show on the 405 Radio Network, Executive Editor of, Editor of,’s Editor-In-Chief ,Social Media/Content/Marketing for Robar Guns, and Social Media Marketing Director for Ride the Thunder Movie.
As a native Oregonian who has seen her beautiful state be overrun by progressives, Tami talks common sense, First Principles and the Constitution…and NEVER apologizes for one word; NEVER apologizes for this exceptional country!
Tami is the perfect guest for our move to Wednesday as we used to do a show together called the Hump Day News Report. Today we are going to discuss Tami’s updated and expanded series, 47 Bodies Left In The Wake Of Hillary Clinton.
You can follow Tami on Twitter @Tamij and on Facebook by clicking here.
The guest @ 2:30 EDT will be Ed Morrissey, blogging superstar, political pundit, radio host, and author of the hit book, “Going Red,The Two Million Voters Who Will Elect the Next President–and How Conservatives Can Win Them.”
After every major piece of political news the first place I go is to to read what Ed Morrissey has to say. IMHO Ed is the second best political commentator on the internet (next to me) but my wife ranks him as #1. Ed has a regular column in “The Week,” and has provided commentary in the Washington Post, the New York Post, The New York Sun, the Washington Times, and other newspapers. The Ed Morrissey show can be heard every Tuesday and Thursday at 4PM EST at Hot Air or at the Hot Air Facebook page, on the internet and he often fills in as a guest on Salem Radio Network’s nationally-syndicated shows. His book, “Going Red,The Two Million Voters Who Will Elect the Next President–and How Conservatives Can Win Them, is a huge hit (and if you haven’t read it yet you are doing yourself a YUGE disservice). Ed is brilliant about everything except picking friends as both he and his much classier wife are close friends with yours truly and my much better half. Ed lives in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota with his wife, son and daughter-in-law, and his two granddaughters.
Ed and I will discuss his column about yesterday’s big Jim Comey announcement, “Is Hillary Clinton too big to indict?,” the 2016 presidential race, the upcoming RNC convention, and Ed’s obsession with guacamole. You can follow Ed on twitter @EdMorrissey and on Facebook.
Today’s show at 2PM EDT is going to GREAT, so make sure to listen clicking on the SHR Media network link. And while I’m interviewing Tami and Ed, come into the chat room to ask question or comment,
Oh and along with every Wednesday on SHR Media and High Plains Talk Radio I can be followed @yidwithlid on twitter, here on my site The Lid, on Facebook, and 5x a week on If you wish to get the daily Lid Newsletter click on–>