This Monday (4/4) The Lid Radio Show will have two great guests Pulitzer-Prize winning editorial cartoonist, Michael Ramirez and Omri Ceren, Managing Director, Press & Strategy The Israel Project (TIP).
Our guest at 2pm EDT will be Michael Ramirez. Along with checking for his take on almost every story I write, one of my first moves every morning is checking the latest political cartoon from Michael Ramirez, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and Senior Editor and the Editorial Cartoonist for Investor’s Business Daily.
Ramirez is a national treasure, he combines an encyclopedic knowledge of the news with a captivating drawing style to create consistently outstanding thought provoking cartoons. Ramirez’s work can be seen in such publications as the New York Times, USA Today, the Washington Post, the New York Post, Time Magazine, National Review and US News and World Report, and (most importantly) The Lid.
His latest book,“Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Obamacare,” offers the conservative reader a compilation of his award-winning cartoons—and a way to remember the miserable past 7 1/2 years in a way that is not so miserable. It is a must read (I have two copies).
Michael Ramirez’s work is featured daily in the pages of Investors Business Daily on the Issues and Insights page and online. But if you do not follow Michael Ramirez on Facebook under Michael P. Ramirez, and on Twitter @ramireztoons you are only denying yourself the best in the business.
As Managing Director, Press & Strategy, our 2:30 guest Omri Ceren oversees The Israel Project’s news monitoring, research, and digital outreach efforts. Ceren appears regularly as a guest analyst on cable and radio news programs, commenting on geopolitical and geostrategic affairs.
Omri has become journalists go-to guy for information any information Middle East related. During the recent war with Hamas he put journalists (such as yours truly) in touch with senior people in the IDF so we can question, interview and try to track down the real story.
For the P5+1 nuclear negotiations with Iran, Omri was in Vienna tracking down the latest developments directly from the negotiators. And now that the deal is done, Ceren is the best source to ask about the status of implementation, or any brand new Obama adminstration capitulations.
Omri is a PhD Candidate at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, with expertise in political persuasion, media influence, and the use of new communication technologies.
Ceren has been involved in journalism since 2003, and has been a formal contributor to over a dozen outlets and blogs on issues ranging from international geopolitics to market dynamics to social media branding. I made contact with Omri around the time we both started writing. Back then, we both, okay he still had hair.
He has been published in magazines such as Commentary, in international outlets such as The Jerusalem Post, and in local media such as The Los Angeles Jewish Journal. His investigative journalism has been cited by The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, the BBC, Reuters, the Associated Press, The Jerusalem Post, and dozens of other outlets.
There has has been a lot of action regarding the Iran deal over the past few weeks, very little of it has been covered by the mainstream media, so Omri will be filling us in about what is really happening.
Follow Omri on twitter at @cerenomri, on Facebook by clicking here, and bookmark The Israel Project to stay up to date on everything related to America’s only sure ally in the Middle East.
And remember listen to The Lid Radio Show at 2PM EDT on Monday by clicking on SHR Media network. While I’m interviewing Michael and Omri, come into the chat room and ask questions or comment.
Oh and along with every Monday on SHR Media I can be followed at @yidwithlid on twitter, here at The Lid, on Facebook, and 5x a week on