Wikileaks isn’t the only one releasing Clinton related emails on Thursday. Judicial Watch released 207 pages of State Department emails it received as by winning a FOIA lawsuit against an uncooperative State Dept. (embedded below) The emails demonstrate how Hillary Clinton used her position and the State Department building as a prop to make major Clinton Foundation donors happy, and that Clinton/Abedin accessed classified information concerning Afghanistan through the unsecured server in her basement.
The new documents contained seven Hillary Clinton email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date of such emails uncovered by Judicial Watch to 235 of new Clinton emails (not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department). These records further appear to contradict statements by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department.
“As far as I know” is legal talk meaning I am lying but giving myself an out so I can’t be charged with perjury.
In the new series of emails Huma Abedin worked with senior Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) executives to set up group photo sessions for Clinton with ‘primary sponsors’ of CGI and members of the CGI staff. CGI is a project of the Clinton Foundation.”
In the entertainment world it’s called a meet and greet, you get to meet the star and have some pictures taken. I’m sure it’s even done at the state department for diplomates or foreign heads of government. Doing it for big money CGI donors using taxpayer paid time and the taxpayer funded offices at Foggy Bottom to aid the Clinton Foundation. It was also a pronouncement to the donors that the State Dept. was for sale.
The new records also reveal that Abedin sent classified information concerning “foreign relations or foreign activities of the U.S., including confidential sources,” about Afghanistan to her own unsecured email address. Also included are more instances of the State Department doing special favors for high-dollar Clinton Foundation donors and the distribution of Clinton’s government schedule to members of the Clinton Foundation staff.
PHOTO OP: The records include a request for a group photo session with CGI “primary donors” just prior to a speech on September 25, 2009, given by then-Secretary of State Clinton to the group:
From: Fred Poust [former chief marketing officer, CGI]
To: Mary Morrison [then-CGI Director of Operations]
Cc: Annie Weir [former deputy finance director, Hillary Clinton for President]; Katie Miller; Kelsey Nasworthy [then-CGI sponsorship coordinator]
Sent: Thu Sep 24 [4:41:11 p.m.] 2009
Subject: HRC Photo
Just let us know when you get a sense of where, when, how many we can intie [sic] for hrc photos.
We’ll then send it all out to sponsors.
Know you’re jammed and you’ll let us know when u know
From: Mary Morrison
To: Doug Band [Clinton advisor, founding partner and president of Teneo Holdings]
Sent: Thu Sept 24 [5:26:07 p.m.] 2009
Subject: Fw: HRC Photo
When and where do you want to do this?
Band answered it was up to Huma.
From: Huma Abedin
To: Doug Band-PC; Mary Morrison, [Clinton’s scheduler]
Sent: Thu Sep 24 [6:14:30 p.m.] 2009
Subject: Re: HRC Photo
Mary, we are happy to do anything you want for staff.
Adding lona who’s managing all the other pullasides for hrc.
But again, we can do several photos and wherever you think makes sense.
From: Mary Morrison
Sent: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:23 PM; Doug Band-PC; Valmoro, Lona J
Cc: Fred Poust; Annie Weir
Subject: Re: HRC Photo
Thank you Huma.
We do want to do a photo with our primary sponsors – about 20 of them. What is best quick photo line?
What time would work best for you guys?
Let me know
From: Doug Band
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:25:00 PM
To: mary.morrison; Huma Abedin;
CC: fred.pous;
Subject: RE: HRC Photo
And one staff picture with cgi staff pls
In 2009, CGI annual meeting primary sponsors included:
Tom Golisano; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Laureate International Universities; P&G; Victor Pinchuk Foundation; Grupo ABC; Shangri La Industries; Booz Allen Hamilton; Cisco; Duke Energy; ExxonMobil; Hewlett-Packard Company; Standard Chartered; Swiss Re; Goldman Sachs; The Rockefeller Foundation; CLSA (Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia); Crédit Agricole; The EKTA Foundation; The Economist; Dell; Deutsche Bank; Microsoft; Inter-American Development Bank; Visa; APCO Worldwide; Diageo; Knoll; and PR Newswire.
Folks this was all done on the taxpayer dime
Classified Information:
The new documents include a September 13, 2009 email concerning Afghanistan which is almost completely redacted by the State Department because it contains classified information, but didn’t Hillary say no classified info went through her private server?
The emails also show that Abedin sent Clinton’s government schedule through her unsecured email on September 8, 2009 and again on September 14 and included among the recipients members of the Clinton Foundation staff.
The Secretary of State’s schedule is also considered classified as if it fell into enemy hands they would know where she was supposed to be at what times–setting her up for kidnapping or worse.
The newly obtained emails also include two instances of Clinton Foundation high-dollar donors seeking and/or receiving special favors from the Clinton State Department. On September 24, 2009, Ben Ringel (a $10,000 and $25,000 Clinton Foundation donor) sent Abedin a message seeking United States Agency for International Development (USAID) grant money for a hospital in Israel and saying, “This is urgent… When u get back to the office we need to get the money to them.”
That must of been hard for Clinton because except for the time she was running for and served as senator from NY, Hillary Clinton has always been anti-Israel.
On September 20, 2009, Clinton sent an email to Abedin concerning Elaine Schuster, saying, “If she can, she should attend the POTUS [UN] speech on Wed am where she would sit w me as a member of the six-member US delegation.” The Washington Post found that, as of last year, 2,700 loyal supporters “have donated more than $129 million for [the Clinton’s] political races and legal needs…. Among them are Elaine and Gerald Schuster, who made his fortune operating nursing homes and public housing developments … Together, the Boston-based couple have given 53 separate donations to support the Clintons since 1992, including $276,100 for their races and more than $500,000 to their foundation.”
“These new emails show the dangerous mishandling of classified material about Afghanistan by Hillary Clinton and her aides,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And the emails are further proof that Hillary Clinton used her office to provide special treatment – even photo ops – for donors to the Clinton Foundation. No wonder it has taken years and more than one federal lawsuit to force Huma Abedin and the Obama State Department to release these emails.”
If the FBI and Dept. of Justice did their jobs fairly, emails such as these (and the ones that are even worse) would have landed Hillary Clinton in jail. At least that’s what the FBI agents who worked the case believe. Yet this woman who cannot be trusted with Americas secrets is being considered for the office of the President.
JW v State Huma Emails Production 12 00684 by Jeffrey Dunetz on Scribd