Americans are united about one thing, it seems. They distrust the media.

Well, they are united on that, but not on WHY they hate the media.

The fascist left uproariously thinks that the media isn’t left enough. Which is idiotic. Conservatives distrust the media because they rightly know that the media are fascist, anti-democratic, anti-American, leftists who are a danger to this country.

A new poll released by the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that more than half of Americans (53 percent) are extremely or very concerned that the media will not tell them the truth during the election.

But another 30 percent said that they are somewhat concerned over the media’s ability to tell the truth.

That means 83 percent don’t trust the media.

“Most Americans follow news about presidential (77%) and local and state elections (64%) at least somewhat closely, and more report frequently receiving news about elections from nation (50%) or local (39%) than other sources such as friends or family (21%) or individuals on social media,” the poll said.

Meanwhile, only a tiny 14 percent said they trust the media.

The media are untrustworthy. But, its because they start with a lie. And that lie is that they are interested in “news.”

They aren’t.

What they are interested in is pushing the extremist, left-wing agenda. And people inherently know that everything they say is a lie aimed at promulgating their ideology.

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