Guest post by Onan Coca
Sheriff David Clarke may soon win the moniker of “America’s Sheriff” away from Sheriff Joe Arpaio if he continues spinning these gems.
Sheriff Clarke recently appeared on Fox News’ Hannity Show to discuss some comments made by Democrat presidential frontrunner and possible soon-to-be felon, Hillary Clinton.
Earlier this week during a campaign stop in Connecticut, Clinton was attempting to connect with a voter who discussed his violence-filled past when she said some pretty ridiculous things.
You said something that is so important for people to hear. You know, joining a gang is like having a family. It’s feeling like you’re part of something bigger than yourself. So we’re either going to have gangs that murder and rob and do the things that are so destructive to the gang members and to the community. Or, we’re going to have positive gangs. We’re going to have positive alternatives for young people.
It was to this outlandish commentary that Sheriff Clarke responded, and responded in epic fashion.
“I’m still trying to get my head around this. Joining gang is like joining a family. Mrs. Bill Clinton is totally disconnected from life in the black community. She has such a misperception about our intelligence level. She thinks we’re some lower form of intelligence to think because we don’t have family experience we should join a gang. That is preposterous. Why didn’t she say make better lifestyle choices? If you want to join something, why don’t you join a church? Why don’t you join the Boy Scouts or the Girl Scouts? How about the boys clubs and girls clubs?
To sit up there and suggest that we — that is dysfunctional culture, gang activity. For her to sit up there and embrace this as if it’s something that’s socially acceptable in the black community, this stuff ought to be rejected out of hand. It ought to be shunned and shamed by the black community. The reason why there’s no family structure in the black community, she should offer an apology, is because of failed liberal urban policies, the war on poverty, that totally destroyed any structure or any family unit in the black community. And she should have brought that up and said we’ve got to change policies so we can help the black community reconstruct that family experience so kids can make better lifestyle choices.”
Man, I love hearing Sheriff Clarke rip into ridiculous liberal commentary. I hope that he continues to speak up loudly, assertively, and authoritatively about the important issues facing our country today. He is a voice of reason who has real experience, not just in the political/philosophical arena, but also in the real world. As a sheriff he is constantly interacting with these issues every single day, and he is actively participating in solving these problems at the local level. We need Sheriff Clarke and more leaders like him, standing up, speaking out, and leading us in the fight against destructive liberal policies and philosophies.
Article posted with permission from Eagle Rising.