satire vid slams violent protesters

Remember back when comedy bits could take swipes at the dumb things people do, without caring who it would offend — or more accurately — without trying to beat the same old dead horses? This Satire video does just that.

Orange Man Bad gets old real fast.

But for an intelligent observer, that is by no means the only content you can draw from… especially with a culture where radically different ideas are coming together in some really ridiculous ways.

The story of married couples being on opposite sides of the political battle is an old one and can lead to some very obvious difficult paths to navigate in a relationship — the Conways come immediately to mind.

But what happens if you kick that dynamic up a notch? Not just two regular people on opposite sides of the political spectrum, but two gay radical protesters?

This clip has some good fun with petty resentments you might expect between two gay radical protesters supporting opposite parties.

And like most intelligent comedy, there are some great insights tucked in along the way.

Credit to Ryan Long Comedy for this video. And Credit Clash Daily For this post.


Remember back when comedy bits could take swipes at the dumb things people do, without caring who it would offend — or more accurately — without trying to beat the same old dead horses? Orange Man Bad gets old real fast. Orange Man Bad gets old real fast. But for an intelligent observer, that is by no means the only content you can draw from… especially with a culture where radically different ideas are coming together in some really ridiculous ways. The story of married couples being on opposite sides of the political battle is an old one and can lead to some very obvious difficult paths to navigate in a relationship — the Conways come immediately to mind.  

satire vid slams violent protesters