Every presidential candidate attends the Al Smith dinner in New York. They just do. Oh, but not the notoriously anti-Catholic Kamala Harris. She just announced she is skipping this historic and long-standing event.

The tradition of presidential candidates in election years attending this dinner held in the name of one of the nation’s first Catholic candidates for President (New York Gov. Al Smith, 1928) was started by the first Catholic to win the White House (John F. Kennedy) in 1960. The only times since 1960 that both party candidates did not appear were the 1996, 2000, and 2004 election cycles when the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation didn’t invite any candidate to attend the dinner.

The dinner is usually a fun “roast” style event where the candidates share the stage and poke fun at themselves as well as their opponent.

But not Harris. This Christian-hating menace won’t subject herself to the same even everyone else has for 60 years, CNN reports.

Still, we should not be surprised at this. Coming from the anti-Catholic abortion zealot who has targeted nuns and old women who sand up for their religious beliefs, it is not a big stretch to understand why she is skipping a dinner hosted by a Catholic-based organization.

So, yeah, it’s just another example of Kamala Harris telling us who she really is.

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