Northwestern Illinois University is adding a racist, anti-white course to its “Black Studies” program entitled “Unsettling Whiteness.”

According to Campus Reform, the course aims to tear down “white culture” and to disturb the “normal state of affairs.”

The course appears on a spring course list for the university’s Department of Black Studies. The brief description on the list states that the course will make “the historical, political, and cultural formation of whiteness in Western modernity visible and narratable for commentary and analysis.”

A more extended description appears on another page of Northwestern’s website. That description says that “whiteness” can be broadly understood as maintaining the current state of affairs.

“Whiteness, whether it occurs under the heading of white supremacy, white privilege or white authority is the meaning that defines just the way things are, a normal state of affairs, like in the phrase, ‘getting back to normal,’” the description says.

The so-called “professor” of this racist dreck is reportedly a fellow named Barnor Hess.

According to his bio:

Barnor Hesse is a political and critical theorist concerned with decolonial questions of colonial-racial modernity, the western political, and Black politics in the lives, conceptualizations and formations of the Black Diaspora. He is an Associate Professor of Black Studies, Political Science and Sociology. He obtained his PhD in Government (Ideology and Discourse Analysis) from the University of Essex (United Kingdom).

Pure garbage. These aren’t in any way legitimate fields of study. It is racist clap trap.

Indeed, this cretin describes “eight identities of white people,” and, surprise, surprise, all of them are negative.

Take a look at this garbage:

  • White Supremacist: Preserves, names, and values white superiority
  • White Voyeurism: Would not challenge a white supremacist; desires non-whiteness because it is interesting, pleasurable; seeks to control the consumption and appropriation of non-whiteness; fascination with culture
  • White Privilege: May critique white supremacy, but maintains a deep investment in questions of fairness/equality under the normalization of whiteness and white rule; sworn goal of ‘diversity’
  • White Benefit: Sympathetic to a set of issues but only privately. Will not speak/act in solidarity publicly, because they are benefitting through whiteness in public
  • White Confessional: Some exposure of whiteness takes place, but as a way of being accountable to People of Colour after; seek validation from People of Color
  • White Critical: Take on board critiques of whiteness and invest in exposing/marking the white regime; refuses to be complicit with the regime; whiteness speaking back to whiteness
  • White Traitor: Actively refuses complicity; names what is going on; intention is to subvert white authority and tell the truth at whatever cost; need them to dismantle institutions
  • White Abolitionist: Changes institutions; dismantling whiteness, and not allowing whiteness to reassert itself

This guy is nothing but a race-baiting creep.

But it shows how far our institutes of miseducation have fallen.

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