NBC News’s fake “journalist” Kristen Welker lied on the air and said that Kamala Harris met with the families of murdered U.S. soldiers. And now NBC has been forced to admit it all.

Welker was interviewing Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and told him that Harris met with the families of the 13 U.S. soldiers killed by Biden’s disastrous pullout of Abbey Gate at the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Gold Star families blasted Biden and Harris for ignoring the anniversary of their death last week. Trump did go to Arlington Cemetery to commemorate the anniversary.

During the TV interview, Welker insisted that, “Well, they did meet with them at the dignified transfer. They were with them at the dignified transfer,” Welker said about the return of the soldiers’ remains to U.S. soil.

But the fact is, Harris never once met with the families of these soldiers.

Welker, who moderated the 2020 presidential debate, lied.

Now NBC is admitting that they put out fake news:

Never believe a word that ABC, CBS, and NBC say about anything.

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