A group of Muslims who were caught illegally entering the U.S.A. were seen laughing on Fox News about how easy it is to just walk right into the country.

Fox News’ indispensable Bill Melugin interviewed a group of people he saw illegally entering the U.S. from Mexico and found out there were Muslims from Turkey — likely here as terrorist infiltrators.

One of the Muslims said he paid a Mexican cartel member $10,000 to usher him across the U.S. border.

“In fact, America people is right, completely true. Who comes into this country? They don’t know. Okay, I’m good, but how if they’re not good? How if they’re killers, psychopath, else? No guarantee of that,” the man told Melugin. “Like, no security check, no background check.”

“You’re worried about who is crossing the border?” Melugin asked.

“Yes, yes, yes. Of course, because people are not normal,” the man replied.

These Muslim infiltrators admitted to Melugin that the U.S. had denied their visa requests a few times, so instead of trying to do things legally, they contacted the Mexican drug cartels.

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