It has been revealed that a terror-supporting Muslim cleric who has been heard praising Adolf Hitler was invited to attend Kamala Harris VP pick Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration when he became Minnesota Governor.

You know them by the company they keep and Tim Walz is close pals with CAIR and every manner of Muslim terror supporter.

Imam Asad Zaman has not only praised Hitler, but he also celebrated Hamas for their attack on Israel on Oct. 7.

Walz has also been seen praising Zaman, and even invited the hate-filled, extremist, terror-lover to his inaguration.

Per Fox News:

Imam Asad Zaman, executive director of the Muslim American Society in Minnesota, shared the stage with the Democratic governor on Jan. 7, 2019.

“Thank God this team is finally going to be in charge,” Zaman said of Walz’s incoming administration. “I congratulate you for stepping forward to serve the people of Minnesota, and I remind you of the trust you have chosen to undertake. Empower them with courage to render social justice to all our people. Make it easy for them to help our people and make it hard for them to hurt our people.”

Zaman said the people of Minnesota have entrusted in Walz “their hopes and aspirations for social justice and well-being.”

Walz’s administration has also donated over $100,000 to Zaman’s group, Muslim American Society of Minnesota, according to state records reviewed by the Washington Examiner. Federal prosecutors have described the Muslim American Society as “founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S.,” according to court records, the outlet first reported.

These are the sort of scumbags that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz support, America.

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