Mexico has once again betrayed any trust it may have ever have with the U.S. by sending buses toward its own southern border to transport illegals northward to the U.S. border.

Per the Associated Press:

The National Immigration Institute said the buses will leave from the southern cities of Villahermosa and Tapachula. It appeared to be an attempt to make applying for asylum appointments from southern Mexico more attractive to migrants who otherwise would push north to Mexico City or the border.

The announcement came a week after the U.S. government expanded access to the CBP One application to southern Mexico. Access to the app, which allows asylum seekers to register and await an appointment, had previously been restricted to central and northern Mexico.

The Mexican government wants more migrants to wait in southern Mexico farther from the U.S. border. Migrants typically complain there is little work available in southern Mexico for a wait that can last months. Many carry debts for their trip and feel pressure to work.

The migrants who avail themselves of the buses will also receive a 20-day transit permit allowing them legal passage across Mexico, the institute’s statement said.

So, once again, Mexico is assisting illegals to sneak into the U.S. and break our laws.

This is not the first time Mexico has aided lawbreaking illegals to get into the U.S.A. They have been doing stuff like this throughout the Biden regime.

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