A left-wing voter registration group is committing mass voter fraud in Michigan by sending blank absentee ballots to voters who did not request them.

The group, called “The Voter Project Michigan,” is doing its best to hide all its activities and doesn’t even have a website to promote itself.

According to government filings, the group’ claims its address to be PO Box 205, Dexter, Michigan 48130. But otherwise it has no contact info, website, phone number, or offices. In other words, it is a stealth organization creeping around trying to engineer a Democrat victory while pretending to be a legal voter registration organization.

The alarm was tripped by a Michigan resident who says that one of these illegal absentee ballots showed up in his mail box filled out in his son’s name.

I have the goods, again, this time it’s a bit personal. My son just got his drivers license and is off to college. Two days ago we received an absentee ballot application, fully completed in his name, having his address and birthdate filled out. Along with that ballot was a political letter appearing to come from Governor Gretchen Whitmer advertising for Democrat issues. The county only needs to verify the signature to accept any application and may only reject based on the signature as well. You can be certain that almost none of these will ever be rejected.

You just know there are thousands of these illegal ballots floating around in Michigan.

Michigan is a must win for Kamala Harris. If she does not win Mich. she cannot win the White House. And Democrats are pulling out all the stops to cheat in the Wolverine State.

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