Kamala Harris has completely avoided telling America what her policy agenda would be if elected president — with the assistance of the media to hide her agenda — but she did finally announce one idea, and it couldn’t be more socialistic.
Harris announced on Thursday that she intends to implement price controls on food to precent “price gouging.”
First of all, let’s point out that price controls have never, ever worked and have always ended up in unintended — and always negative — consequences.
Stung by the fact that the economy she and the disastrously senile Joe Biden have forced upon us all, Harris is now pretending that she wants to “do something” about the ruinously high prices of Bidenomics.
Naturally, what she wants to “do” are all the wrong things.
Per Breitbart News:
Her address will mark the first time Harris offers a policy focused speech since she was anointed as the Democratic candidate in July and been roundly accused by critics since as being a policy-free zone, as Breitbart News reported.
The Democratic nominee is promising to institute a first-ever national ban on price gouging and price-fixing within her first 100 days in office in an effort to deflect many voters’ low marks for President Joe Biden’s handling of the economy.
Time magazine reports Harris plans to direct the Federal Trade Commission and other agencies to investigate and penalize “big corporations” that violate government rules in a mirror of Soviet command economy diktats.
Harris is an economic illiterate, but, worse, she is an outright communist.
She hates everything about America except the halfwits foolish enough to vote for her. She loves them… but only on Election Day.
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