Per Black Enterprise magazine and Washington Free Beacon, the National Black Church Initiative, a coalition of 150,000 black churches across the country, wants MSNBC to take professional bigot Al Sharpton off the network until an investigation is complete after discovering Sharpton’s nonprofit received a $500,000 donation from the Kamala Harris campaign before Sharpton did an ass-kissing interview with the Democratic Party candidate. (Note: The National Black Church Initiative calls him Reverand, but my fingers objected when I tried to type that title in his name.)

Sharpton and his organization would probably have supported Harris anyway, but a TV host receiving a cash infusion does so without telling the network and viewers, which raises suspicion of the host, the network, and the organizations the host is affiliated with.

Ten years ago, in 2010, the NBC cable network suspended Joe Scarborough and Keith Olbermann for donating to political campaigns. This was receiving instead of giving, but we are discussing narcissist Al Sharpton.

Learning about the “donation,” the organization issued a statement saying Sharption’s actions.

The National Black Church Initiative claims to be “very concerned that one of our leaders appears to be selling our voting to Kamala Harris’s campaign” and wants the network to do something about it. “This type of action puts a moral stain on the integrity of the Black Church,”

“Rev. Sharpton is loved and admired by many in our coalition, but that does [not] take away from the fact he is facing significant moral and journalism ethics [concerns] regarding this payment or donation to the National Action Network,” Rev. Anthony Evans, president of the National Black Church Initiative, said in the group’s statement. “We will continue to pray for him.”

The Society of Professional Journalists, MSNBC, and Sharpton over the conflict of interest, calling it a “black eye” for the network and the media industry as a whole. The Society is the country’s oldest organization representing journalists in the United StatesIts website states, “It is the nation’s most broad-based journalism organization, dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior.”

“This kind of entanglement harms the credibility of the journalist, the news organization, and journalism overall, and credibility is difficult to restore,” the Society of Professional Journalists told the Free Beacon. ”

“While Sharpton may not consider himself a journalist, many viewers do. When TV news broadcasters do not report their conflicts of interest or conduct their work in ways that run counter to ethical journalism,” the society went on, “it builds distrust among their audiences and places a black eye on both their network and the profession.”

Hard to understand is MSNBC or either organization’s surprise at Sharpton doing something unethical. We are talking about a man who will do anything, including lying, to be recognized as a leading human rights figure. Some examples include:

The murder of Angelina Marrero, Cynthia Martinez, Luz Ramos, Mayra Rentas, Olga Garcia, Garnette Ramautar, and Kareem Brunner, the seven victims of the massacre at Freddy’s Fashion Mart. They are dead because of a four-month-long campaign of hate-created lies by Al Sharpton that incited a man to firebomb Haarlem Clothing Store Freddy’s Fashion Mart, killing seven innocents.

The Duke lacrosse team? They were falsely accused of rape. Ignoring the 9th commandment about not bearing false witness, Al Sharpton declared that these” rich white boys” had attacked a” black girl,” and he warned that if arrests were not made immediately, there would be no peace. Eventually, the evidence proved she had invented the story, and all charges against the defendants were dropped.

On the second day of the Crown Heights riot, Sharpton arrived and inflamed the riot fire with a lie about an ambulance and other elements of the riot.

And, of course, the most famous, in 1987, Steven Pagones, former Assistant District Attorney in Duchess County, was accused by Sharpton of raping Tawana Brawley. Not only was Pagones nowhere near Brawley that night, but also, the entire rape story was a fraud directed by Sharpton.

Sharpton should not be suspended because of the Kamala Harris donation; he should be fired for being a lying narcissist.