Last week, John Kerry cried about how bad our First Amendment is for his plans to “hammer” free speech out of existence when he visited the World Economic Forum.

Kerry appeared on a WEF panel where they were talking about “disinformation,” which they define as information presenting opposing political ideas. And Kerry bawled his e3yes out that the U.S. Constitution stands in the way of the U.S. government’s work to crush free political speech.

“Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence. What we need is to win…the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change,” he said.


Yes, Johnny boy, it really is harder to implement totalitarian speech codes when you have the freedom to speak openly right in your founding documents and laws, isn’t it?

Imagine, this man who hates our freedom of speech was a U.S. Senator. Not only that, but he was the presidential nominee for one of our two major parties!

The fact is, our wise founders wrote the constitution not to restrain the people, but to restrain the government from perpetrating tyranny over the people.

Clearly, John Kerry and his party are tyrants who stand in stark contrast to our founding principles.

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