Everyone on the far left keeps braying about electric vehicles, battery power, and so-called “green energy,” but the truth it isn’t just difficult, it is impossible with the lack of current technological capabilities. Especially where it comes to the amount of copper is needed to realize the foolish green dream.

A new study finds a huge problem with the need to scale up green energy and that its simply “not possible” to mine enough copper to satisfy the needs of green energy.

Per Just The News:

A new study by the University of Michigan concludes that it is “not possible” to mine enough copper to keep up with current U.S. climate policy aiming to transition the electricity grid and transportation sector to run on renewable energy.

The study looked at 120 years of data from global copper mining companies and compared that to the amount of copper that would be needed for the U.S. to transition to electric vehicles and run the electricity grid on wind and solar.

Between 2018 and 2050, the researchers found, the world will need 115% more copper than has been mined in all of human history up to 2018 just to meet current demand. That’s without politicians’ push to a green energy transition. In order to meet the demands of the green energy transition, according to the study, as many as six new large copper mines must be brought online annually over the next several decades.

About 40% of that copper production, the researchers estimate, will be needed just for upgrades to the grid to support electric vehicles.

But these massive needs simply aren’t possible. The world would need one or even two brand new copper mines every year to meet the needs. And clearly that isn’t going to happen.

Currently, all the copper mines in the world produce about 9 million tons of copper a year. But to satisfy the needs that green energy religionists say we need these mines would have to produce 50 million tons by 2050. The math just doesn’t add up.

But, this is all well known already. The green lobby already knows that their goals are impossible. And it isn’t just copper. There isn’t enough of any of the rare earths to satisfy the needs for fake green energy purposes.

They know this. And they aren’t telling their religious followers.

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