Chalk up one for the good guys.
Brand new pagers of 2,800 plus Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon just ‘happened” to blow up at the same time on Tuesday. Their new pagers caused horrifying burns to their groins and hands as the devices detonated on their belts and in their pockets. The 2800 number came from Lebanese officials who also claimed eight were killed and 250 critically, so take them with a grain of salt. As of this writing, the terrorist organization did not release names, but they did report some of the injured were senior leaders of Hezbollah.
Hezbollah is one of Iran’s cabal of terrorist groups (that includes Hama and others).
For those two young enough to know what a pager is, it was used for “texting” before cell phones. When they first came out, they were also called beepers. If someone carried one, they would get a sound. In one part of the tool, they would see the phone number of the person who wanted to talk. The person with the beeper would then have to go to a phone and call the phone number to find out what the beep was about
Per the Jerusalem Post:
According to reports, the beepers and communications devices were called before the explosion for some period of seconds to increase the chance that whoever received the call would pick it up and be maximally wounded
Hezbollah terrorist officials claimed it was a hacking attack by Israel. We might never know because the IDF never confirms or denies most secret attacks. For example, the Stuxnet computer virus that “happened” to invade Iranian centrifuges, making them run so fast that they burned out and delayed their nuclear plan for two years. It was assumed to be Israel but never confirmed until Edward Snowden let the cat out of the bag three years later .
Per the Wall Street Journal,
The apparent attack comes amid growing concerns that tensions along the Lebanese border are in danger of escalating, as the daily exchange of cross-border fire grows in intensity and efforts to strike a deal to pause the fighting in Gaza fail to bear fruit.
What they really mean is that Biden’s been unsuccessful in trying to get Israel to give the Hamas terrorists everything they want without releasing the terrorists.

Example of Kind of Pager That Exploded
Michael Horowitz, the head of intelligence at Le Beck International, a security and risk management consulting firm based in the Middle East, said the cause was likely malware that caused the pagers’ batteries to overheat and explode or a charge placed in the devices and detonated remotely.
“Either way, this is a very sophisticated attack,” he said. “Particularly if this is a physical breach, as this would mean Israel has access to the producer of those devices. This may be part of the message being sent here.”
Exactly! If it wasn’t some sort of miracle from above, Israel’s strategy of not saying if they did or did not do an action causes fear. Enemies begin to fear that Israel is everywhere, even if it isn’t, like the childhood fear that monsters are under the bed and in the closet.
Only one question remains. Does anyone know what kind of Shiva basket one is supposed to send to the family of a dead terrorist?
More coming. Check back for updates.