Democratic Rep. Haley Stevens went completely stark raving crazy while giving a speech after returning to vote on the Wuhan virus relief package. What she’s actually saying or ranting about is up for interpretation, but the level of craziness on display is not.
Look at the video:
Michigan Democrat Haley Stevens absolutely lost her mind screaming thanks to hospital workers on the House floor just now.
— Anders Hagstrom (@Hagstrom_Anders) March 27, 2020
Of course, Twitter exploded:
My former MRC colleague Brittany Hughes got it started.
— Brittany Hughes (@RealBrittHughes) March 27, 2020
Funny! She’s wearing gloves while her screaming spit is showering down on the lectern.?
— Hadie Nuff (@nuff_haddie) March 27, 2020
Is that spit, or is she frothing from the mouth?
I do not blame this idiotic Representative, but the fools who voted for her. ‘YOU WILL SEE DARKNESS!’: Democratic Rep. Haley Stevens Loses It As House Floor Descends Into Chaos via @dailycaller
— Thom (@tlhillkc1) March 27, 2020
@HaleyLive you lady need to be locked up and medicated. You are a disgrace to the country and government.
— Jeff Harris (@a_patriot_1965) March 27, 2020
It’s scary to see that there are people like this in the House of Representatives. Scarier to think there are more just like her in there.
— Barbara Towle (@BarbaraTowle) March 27, 2020
Yeah, we need calmer Congressional nut jobs.
OMG. The mentally ill have taken over Congress.
— Deplorable Barbara (@NeverSurrenderZ) March 27, 2020
True, but enough about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
This is yet another example of the unhinged left on full display. She needs to go home and get back in bed. Her behavior is inexcusable and beyond the pale. She may need some professional help with deep rooted problems from her past. Just observing her rant.
— Just me (@Gigiof4grands) March 27, 2020
This is every liberal ever, regarding any topic — incoherent screaming
— The Wall Street Conservative (@RyanMatthewMill) March 27, 2020
WOW I think she has lost it.
— Margie Castillo (@margie5136) March 27, 2020
— northerndancer (@cajjz109) March 27, 2020
MMM..she’s extra angry and frothing from the mouth. According to Google, she’s exhibiting the symptoms
What’s with all the toddler like tantrums today?
— dmg (@deycats) March 27, 2020
I hope these mentally unstable, self-seeking, indulgent idiots in congress get thrown out.
— I’m still laughing at Gervais ? (@liveBIGer) March 27, 2020
But if they did that there would be no Dems left in Congress
The stenographer just kept typing. Wonder what the steno code for “incoherent raving” is? #spicy
— Jack Nicholsons Chili (@JacksChili) March 27, 2020
I don’t know. What about wack job?
Parts of this post were first seen at Conservative Firing Line
Haley Stevens