Ouch that’s gonna leave a mark. 

On Monday morning soon to be former head of the Democratic Party, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz  went to speak to her home Florida delegation. She didn’t really get to speak, instead she was booed off stage and had to be escorted out by security.

The Bernie Sanders delegates in the crowd, upset at the contents of the Wikileaks email dump held signs supporting Sanders or simply stating “E-mails” As she took to the microphone to address he fellow Floridians, the Bernie delegates booed her, and screamed “Shame! Shame!”

We have to make sure that we move forward together in a unified way,” Wasserman-Schultz said during her very brief remarks. “We know that the voices in this room that are standing up and being disruptive, we know that is not the Florida that we know. The Florida that we know is going to make sure that we continue to make jobs. I will make sure that Florida has a loud voice, to speak loud and proud on our values,”

After being booed off stage ” Wasserman-Schultz quickly exited, ignoring press questions,  surrounded by a blanked of security.

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