By Jeff Davidson,

Barack Obama is on the campaign trail for Kamala Harris. Is he helping or hurting? Appearing in Pittsburgh, Obama said, “We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running. Now, I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers.”

Voting on any level for a candidate based on race, or gender for that matter, and not based on credentials is always a bad idea. Merit, a concept with which Obama is unfamiliar, is the prudent approach to choosing a suitable candidate. If people only voted for the race, Obama himself would NOT have been twice elected.

Promoted Beyond Her Competency

Kamala Harris has benefited throughout her career from diversity, equity, and inclusion programs (DEI) or motives. Her vaulting ambition has led her to believe that she can be president of the U.S. while having as little capability for the office as any candidate, ever.

It’s not hard to understand the appeal that a minority candidate would have in attracting minority voters. Still, you have to wonder. Do such voters want to risk the next four years on a candidate who consistently has demonstrated an incapacity to lead? Would such a candidate be better for ones family, community, or the nation at large?

In one poll conducted by the Pew Research Center, a remarkable 85% of black women who are registered to vote support Harris, versus 70% of black men. Obama knows full well that support for Harris among black men is less than that achieved by Joe Biden just before the 2020 election.

A Dark Horse Exposed

Once the Democrats were able to jettison Joe Biden, at the start of her candidacy Harris avoided the press for more than 40 days. Apparently she was trying to run out the clock before anybody knew much about her and her political views.

When it became apparent that she was hiding, her handlers decided to expose her to the world. It hasn’t gone well. Her appearance on 60 Minutes was doctored to make it seem as if she had given coherent answers to simple questions.

She appeared on The View, with Charlemagne tha god, with Stephen Colbert, and other places fielding softball questions. Most recently, she appeared foolish on CNN with Anderson Cooper.

Pre-Scripted and Lame

Her favorite technique is to listen to questions, begin with some pre-scripted verbiage, such as “I grew up in a middle class neighborhood,” speak in generalities, and never actually answer questions at all. A throng of supporting journalists and reporters let her get away with it, but the tide is turning. She is vacuous and it shows.

So, why is Obama surprised when her appeal to black men is lacking? Biden, as incompetent as he is, at least new the terrain in Washington. He served in the senate for eons. He served for eight years as vice president. He knew world leaders. He had some idea as to how government operates, although his horrid administration has battered the nation.

Harris is as close to a Marxist as any candidate America ever has seen. She supports funding sex changes for prisoners, offering a complete basket of welfare goodies to illegal aliens, packing the Supreme Court with progressive for evermore, flooding swing states with illegals to alter the vote and the will of the American people, and that’s just for openers.

Black men across the nation, and increasing numbers of black women, recognize that Harris is simply in over her head. Moreover, because Trump was president for four years, black men and women know that they were largely better off then. So why wouldn’t they favor Trump, even if they hadn’t the first time?

Nothing is Her Mind

The clincher is this: When asked on The View if she would have changed anything that the Biden/Harris did over the last four years, she nonchalantly said, “Not a thing comes to mind.”

If not a thing comes to mind, in a nation facing a sea of troubles, with a leader who is in the current administration, do not chastise black men for not wanting to cast their vote for such a candidate. They are not fools.



Jeff Davidson is “The Work-Life Balance Expert®” and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, effectiveness, integration, shift, blend, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people. He is the author of Breathing Space, Perfect Timing, Simpler Living, Dial it Down, and Everyday Project Management. Visit or call 919-932-1996 for more information on Jeff’s keynote speeches and seminars.