By Jeff Davidson
As we pause on this long weekend to honor the memory, regardless of their political leanings, of fallen U.S. military personnel, it is evident that ignorance is a key factor in being a Leftist.
You have to know little about history and be sufficiently gullible to believe that your own mainstream media is presenting fair and accurate information to you. You have to think that the politicians for whom you’ve voted have your best interests at heart and have the best interests of the nation at heart, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Those on the Left have perpetrated some of the great crimes that humankind has yet witnessed. A brief walk through recent world history reveals that what started out as supposedly socialist movements proved to be anything but that.
The French Revolution in 1789 was a revolt by the bourgeoisie joined by commoners against the aristocracy. Their battle cry was liberty, equality, and egalitarianism. Yet, the regime that followed the French heuristic aristocracy proved to be barbaric.
The slightest transgression or suspicion that you were somehow against “the people” meant that it was off with your head. It is estimated that tens of thousands of people faced the guillotine in France between the years 1792 and 1977 (astonishingly the last year of beheadings in France).
In Denmark in 1803, then Great Britain in 1807, and America in 1808, the slave shipping industry came to an end. While slavery lingered on in Great Britain until 1837 and in America until 1863, there were no further slaves shipped across the Atlantic. Leftists would prefer that you didn’t know this. They want you to believe that America was not among the leaders in ending the Atlantic slave trade.
Socialism Laid Bare
In 1917, as Vladimir Lenin returned from exile in Switzerland to Russia, and the Bolsheviks took power, their claims of egalitarianism also proved to be hollow. These socialists displayed that some comrades were “more equal” than others.
To be in the Russian government was to be in the ruling class; all others were deemed to be subservient. Lenin himself coined the term “useful idiots” regarding people who went along with the regime, not questioning the lies, subterfuge, bribes, cronyism, and outright theft of property, always for “the state” and never to be yours, no matter how hard you worked for it.
In 1933, headed by Adolf Hitler, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party came to power. It was a socialist movement, not a conservative movement as many would have you believe today. These German socialists were hell bent on overturning all that came before them. One of their chief objectives was to eradicate the nation of Jews, gypsies, intellectuals, and other undesirables.
Starting from Sept. 1, 1939, when he invaded Poland under false pretenses until the time that the allies were able to actually storm the beaches in Normandy and make headway through continental Europe, he held Europe and much of the rest the world at bay. All under the banner of socialism.
In all, for 12 years, Hitler reigned supreme. Finally, he was defeated in the spring of 1945 and allegedly committed suicide.
Bernie and Democratic Socialism
Today in America, voices proclaim that socialism or, as Bernie Sanders calls it, Democratic socialism, is the only appropriate, moral, and effective way for our nation to proceed.
These Socialist advocates don’t want you to know what the net result has been around the world, over the ages, of those governments and peoples who have installed socialism. Socialism by its nature dampens the human spirit, rewards a handful of elites, and otherwise cripples entire economies.
Many believe that Scandinavian countries to this day, such as Sweden, are socialists. Actually, they did try socialism for a while and found it to be such a disaster that they abandoned the pretense.
History Contorted
If you wondering, are the historical events and occurrences discussed above presented in high school history classes, or covered in college history classes? In college depending on what course you take it’s possible. In high school, I have never encountered anyone who has covered this ground.
High school history books and history teachers will talk about the Bolsheviks and the Nazis but don’t mention that they were socialist-based movements. As such, students remain ignorant of this historical reality.
And, the less you know, the more likely you can become a Leftist.
Jeff Davidson is “The Work-Life Balance Expert®” and the premier thought leader on work-life balance, effectiveness, integration, shift, blend, and harmony. Jeff speaks to organizations that seek to enhance their overall productivity by improving the effectiveness of their people. He is the author of Breathing Space, Perfect Timing, Simpler Living, Dial it Down, and Everyday Project Management. Visit or call 919-932-1996 for more information on Jeff’s keynote speeches and seminars.