by Karen Kataline Coronavirus selective outrage
Sheriff Steve Reams of Weld County, Colorado is being sued by six inmates of his jail for “not preventing” a coronavirus outbreak. Not surprisingly, the ACLU is representing them.
Few people believe the lawsuit has to do with coronavirus as much as with Sheriff Reams’ outspoken opposition to the draconian “Red Flag” Laws that were passed in Colorado by the current Democrat power monopoly in Denver.
New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo on the other hand, who has the highest rate of coronavirus infections and deaths in the country has received no criticism for similar Leftist hysterians. (like sectarians, only different) In fact, Democrats are salivating over the possibility that they could somehow move creepy and clueless Joe Biden out of the way and run Cuomo for President instead.
Selective outrage doesn’t work as well unless you have Liberals and Leftists marching in lockstep. Didn’t they used to believe in “doing your own thing”? Now, they believe we must all behave and think alike. We must hate all the people they want us to hate and give a pass to those they want us to see as perpetual victims.
We know all too well the names with which they’ll bully us if we don’t: Racist!, Sexist!, Homophobe!, Xenophobe!. If you’re branded with those overly-general suspiciously bigoted labels, you deserve to lose your business, your reputation and be an example to others that you better not deviate from the selective outrage narrative. That immediately included ostracizing anyone who questioned the unprecedented shutdown of the country because of coronavirus.
Liberals and Leftists used to believe we should question everything—especially, authority. Now they take orders from government bureaucrats as if in a collectivist cult. Freedom lovers don’t mind if they want to be in that cult. The problem is always that they want to force you to be in it too.
I watched a dutiful, face-masked woman at the grocery store pull out her cloth bags so she could save the planet, only to be told that they can’t be used because of the coronavirus. The bandwagon changes directions quickly, depending on the band’s political needs.
Leftists are happy to overlook criminal behavior when it suits them as well. They don’t consider the crime or the circumstances under which it was committed. Their position depends almost entirely on the group to which that person belongs.
Now, they’re using the coronavirus to go after Sheriffs they hate while cheering law enforcement officers they used to hate for harassing and arresting a father playing ball with his wife and daughter in an empty park.
It’s time to remove the mask on the mouth of Blind Justice and return it to her eyes where it belongs.
Coronavirus selective outrage