As the U.S. military under Joe Biden is suffering a historic loss of troops and facing an inability to win over enough recruits to fill the loss, it has been reported that Biden is looking to recruit non-citizens — and illegal aliens — to fill the ranks despite that they have absolutely no loyalty to the U.S.A.

Then again, Biden has no loyalty to the U.S.A., so I guess it’s fitting.

Retired Army captain and JAG lawyer Sean Timmons told KTRH AM 740 that luring illegals like this is a recruiting trick.

“Luring unsuspecting applicants who are economically depressed, or economically desperate, into the ranks is one of the mechanisms for recruiting,” he said.

But the problem is, our enemies also send spies into our ranks with this practice.

“We’ve uncovered Chinese espionage rings on active duty, literally serving as Chinese migrants or immigrants, cloaked as impoverished rice field workers when they really under the direction of the Chinese government to be spies,” Timmons added.

There is also the expectation that many will accept our training, then desert and join our enemies and use our training against us.

“We’ve uncovered Chinese espionage rings on active duty, literally serving as Chinese migrants or immigrants, cloaked as impoverished rice field workers when they really under the direction of the Chinese government to be spies.”

Timmons says they may just take their U.S. military training and turn it against us.

“Are they there for the proper reasons?” Timmons said. “For patriotic duty to the country? Or are they learning to use tactics and weapons to bring back to their gang fight locally? Or internationally back in their home country?”

The Army, Navy, and Air Force have all missed recruiting goals for two years in a row, according to

Cross-posted with iPatroit.