On Monday, Democratic nominee Joe Biden went to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he spoke to a room with what seemed like less than a dozen people.  While he was there, Biden claimed very strongly, he did not want to ban fracking.  And any claims he that wanted to ban fracking coming from the President or his campaign were lies. But the video evidence reveals Joe Biden promised to stop fracking often during the campaign.

“I am not banning fracking, he said, no matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.”

The problem for Joe is that the President didn’t invent Biden’s fracking position. Often during his campaign, the former SCHMOTUS declared that he would get rid of fracking, indeed he’s stated he would get rid of all fossil fuel production.

On January 24, 2020, speaking to a New Hampshire voter, Biden said he would stop fracking.

The woman voter asked, “But like, what about, say, stopping fracking?”

Biden answered, “Yes.”

Woman voter: “And stopping pipeline infrastructure?”

Biden: “Yes.”

On March 15, 2020, a Democratic presidential debate between Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders was hosted by CNN, moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper. During that debate, there was this exchange:

Sanders: What this moment is about Joe, is that the scientists are telling us they underestimated the severity of the crisis. They were wrong. The problem is more severe. So all that I’m saying right here is that we are fighting for the future of this planet, for the wellbeing of our kids and future generations. You cannot continue, as I understand Joe believes, to continue fracking, correct me if I’m wrong. What we need to do right now is bringing the world together, tell the fossil fuel industry that we are going to move aggressively to win solar, sustainable energies-

Tapper: Thank you.

Sanders: … and energy efficiency.

Tapper: Thank you Senator.

Biden: No more, no new fracking.

Also in that debate, Biden stated, “Number one, no more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, end, number one.”

Which one, Joe, no drilling or no drilling on federal lands?

In Joe Biden’s economy, we stop all fossil fuels, not just Oil, and Gas. In December 2019, Biden told coal miners to learn to code:


Why did Biden say “I am not banning fracking” when everything he said before going to Pittsburgh indicated that he wanted to stop fracking…indeed, he wanted to stop all fossil fuel production.

One reason for the change could be that energy production is big business in Pennsylvania, according to the Dept. of Commerce, viz the Pennsylvania Business Report.

Pennsylvania could lose more than 600,000 jobs and roughly $261 billion over the next five years if a national ban on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, were to be put in place, as some Democratic presidential candidates have called for, according to a recent report by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Energy Institute.

Biden’s ban on coal mining would force 5,385 miners to learn to code per Statista. That doesn’t include revenue and jobs in related industries.

Biden felt so strongly about eliminating the production of fossil fuels he said he wanted to throw all energy execs in jail.

Put it all together, it is entirely possible that Biden’s fracking claim in Pittsburgh was just a pandering flip flop.

But then again there is another possibility,

Biden seemed to really believe himself when he said he would ban fracking. He seemed just as self-assured, saying he never called for a ban on fracking when the evidence shows he said it over and over again just as forcefully.

Is it a flip flop, or is Joe Biden forgetting? This is another example of what we’ve seen from Biden this campaign season. He keeps forgetting and mixing up facts. It is clear to someone like me who has seen two close family members deteriorate from a form of dementia, that Biden is going through early stages of Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia. It is very possible Joe really believes he never said he would ban fracking….he just doesn’t remember.

The slowing of Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities has been noticed throughout this campaign season A recent Rasmussen poll revealed that 38% of likely voters believe that Joe Biden is suffering from dementia.  Two-thirds of Republicans and a shocking 20% of voters in Biden’s own party believe that he is losing his mental faculties. Thirty percent of independents believe that Biden is suffering from that malady. Biden’s comments on fracking may add fuel to that fire.
