Remember this goodie during the Democratic Primary season?  beto backtracks on grabbing guns

Texas gubernatorial candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke has seemingly flip-flopped his position on guns, but has he, really?

Fox News is reporting that O’Rourke, the one-time presidential candidate whose campaign sank faster than the Titanic after he declared during a Democratic primary debate in Houston three years ago, “Hell, yes, we’ll take your AR15, your AK-47,” is suddenly not interested in taking guns from anyone.

His shift seems to coincide with his declining poll numbers. He was in Tyler, Texas, telling reporters, “I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone. What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment. I want to make sure that we protect our fellow Texans far better than we’re doing right now.”

Writing for the Washington Examiner, Becket Adams reminded readers how—as recently as last year—O’Rourke was calling semi-auto rifles “weapons of war,” and telling reporters, “But I think most of us also understand that we should not have military-style weapons used against our fellow Texans.”

So, he’s not really backtracking at all. O’Rourke is simply re-packaging his gun control agenda after a Quinnipiac University poll showed him losing ground well behind Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, recently honored as a “Gun Rights Defender” by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

According to Quinnipiac, “In a head-to-head matchup in the race for governor of Texas, Republican Governor Greg Abbott leads Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke, 52 – 37 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll of Texas registered voters. Republicans back Abbott 90 – 5 percent, independents back Abbott 47 – 37 percent, and Democrats back O’Rourke 87 – 6 percent.

Writing for the Washington Examiner, Becket Adams reminded readers how—as recently as last year—O’Rourke was calling semi-auto rifles “weapons of war,” and telling reporters, “But I think most of us also understand that we should not have military-style weapons used against our fellow Texans.”

So, he’s not really backtracking at all. O’Rourke is simply re-packaging his gun control agenda after a Quinnipiac University poll showed him losing ground well behind Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, recently honored as a “Gun Rights Defender” by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

“A majority of voters, 54 percent, say O’Rourke is too liberal, 3 percent say he is too conservative, and 35 percent say he is about right,” Quinnipiac said.

However, Quinnipiac polling analyst Tim Malloy cautioned that a lot can happen between now and Nov. 8, when Abbott is up for re-election.

O’Rourke has been on a losing streak for the past few years since he gave up his congressional seat to challenge U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). He then ran for president, hoping to challenge former President Donald Trump, but his campaign went off the rails after his gun-grabbing threat in Houston in 2019. Now, the perennial candidate is trying to unseat Abbott, and he is resorting to re-packaging to close a massive gap between now and election day.

Cross-posted with Conservative Firing Line

beto backtracks on grabbing guns