As Title 42 was lapsing, Biden got on a helicopter and zipped off to another vacation weekend. When asked about the border crisis, he laughed.
Days earlier, Senators debated the particulars of a Secure the Border Act. Chip Roy gave testimony about agents claiming the situation was near ‘Broken Arrow’ status.
Broken arrow is the military term for being completely overrun. Orders were given NOT to pursue anyone who gets past them.
Around the 17-minute mark, a witness described in grave detail what the law says about parole and that a President has no authority to unilaterally change the law as it has been written.
He explains how the cartels are making 30-35 Billion dollars a year — which is split pretty evenly between the drug trade and human smuggling. Biden’s open-border policies are creating a militarily sophisticated criminal cartel that now has defacto operational control of our border.
He’s talking about children separated from their families — and what policy changes can put an end to it.
He’s talking about kids sold into slavery, whether as child labor or sex slavery. He’s talking about kids pushed into creating pornography.
Not only is this kind of state-sponsored Child Slavery NOT compassionate to the children, but the abuse of asylum claims (incentivized by a whole heap of freebies) also hurts lawful immigrants who tried to enter the right way. It hurts them by clogging up the court system with frivolous cases and delaying their hearings.
You are encouraged to view the whole exchange if you are able.
Cross-Posted with Clash Daily