Today 5/13 @2pm EDT: Lid Radio Show w/Special Guest Tami Jackson

Facebook Twitter Flipboard OH BOY WHAT A WEEK! The President of the United States met the North Korean chubby dude with a crappy haircut and put him on the road to denuclearization. Canada is angry because President Trump outed their pretty-boy Prime Minister as a backstabber, French president Macron is mad that the POTUS spoke to […]

By Dunetz שמואל בן נח

June 13, 2018 at 7:33 am

OH BOY WHAT A WEEK! The President of the United States met the North Korean chubby dude with a crappy haircut and put him on the road to denuclearization. Canada is angry because President Trump outed their pretty-boy Prime Minister as a backstabber, French president Macron is mad that the POTUS spoke to him the same way the French speak to everyone, punchy Robert De Niro cusses drops an "F" bomb on the President during the live Tony Broadcast and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is proving once again that he doesn't give a rat's arse about America---only his party.  We will be discussing all that and much more on today's Lid Radio show with our special guest, Tami Jackson.

Tami Jackson is a pundit with unique, intelligent insights (and my close friend) who lives in the Pacific Northwest.As a native Oregonian who has seen her beautiful state be overrun by progressives, Tami talks common sense, First Principles, the Constitution, and conservative values--and she has spunk!

SO LISTEN to the Lid Radio Show Today April 8th @2PM EDT--with our exceptional guest Tami Jackson

So so join in on the news and the fun--- tune into the Lid Radio Show at 2 pm Eastern by clicking on this SHR Media network or High Plains Talk Radio links (or by using the player and chat room below).

Along with her own site, Tami Jackson is the Host of her own radio show on the 405 Radio Network, Executive Editor of, Media/Content/ Marketing for Robar Guns, and Social Media Marketing Director for Ride the Thunder Movie. Tami can be followed on Facebook by clicking here and on twitter @tamij.

As for your radio host, along with the Lid Radio show live every  Wednesday and the podcast. I can be followed on my sites, on twitter @yidwithlid, Facebook, and in the weekly Jewish Star newspaper.

AND PLEASE sign up to get the daily Lid Newsletter (it’s free) click on  –>

Listen to the Lid Radio show on the player below. You are guaranteed to have a great time.  And don't forget to join in on the chat using the chat room underneath the player below:

Here is the ChatRoll embed:

See you at 2pm
