By Frosty Wooldridge,

“To clean up the mess Biden made, Trump has to clean up the mess that ‘made’ Biden.”  Mark Alexander

For the past four years, January 20, 2021 to January 20, 2025, the American people have been lied to, cheated out of their taxpayer dollars, swindled out of their citizenship and roundly besieged with lies from Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talaib, AOC, Mayorkas, Austen, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR and just about every liberal-leaning newspaper in the country.

All of them created a “fog of untruths” parading as “truths” to keep the American people in the dark.  Never in history have a cartel of news networks obfuscated the facts and downright lied like this in modern times.  The biggest questions is: WHY?  What did they hope to achieve?  What was their end game?  Who stood to benefit by cheating the American people about the truth about Joe Biden and his handlers?

How did the charade, mascaraed, and facade continue for THAT long?  How could men like Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper, Jim Acosta, John Dickerson, Rachel Maddox, Joy Reid, et. al., be SO deceptive, SO filthy in their charade as to mislead the American people as to “Woke”, “Transgenders men competing against women as if it was acceptable”, “Critical Race Theory”, and “D.E.I.”, along with their endless attacks on Trump as to the Russia Hoax, Hunter Biden’s laptop, calling him “Hitler” and worse?

Joe Biden will go down in history as the crookedest, creepiest and most deceiving criminal ever to hold office in America.  He lied, sniffed little girls’ hair, “handsied” women, and brought millions of dollars via influence peddling to his family. In the end, he “preemptively pardoned” his family members crime syndicate.

If not for citizen-journalists across the gamut of America and the First Amendment, citizens would never get the facts as to what was actually happening in America.  Thank God for men and women like Victor Davis Hanson, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, Pete Hegseth, Brian Kilmeade, Jesse Watters, Martha McCallum, John Scott, James Comer, Devvy Kidd, Lex Greene, Steven Yates , Kelleigh Nelson, and SO many others that brought Americans the facts and the truths about what was happening.

Let’s face it, our C.I.A. and F.B.I. lied to us. Our Merritt Garland at DOJ lied and waged “law fare” against Donald Trump with no other purpose other than bend the law into a quagmire of falsification of reality.  Thankfully, in the end, basic truths prevailed. The American people prevailed.

“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”  Thomas Jefferson

You can’t say it any better than that.  Our Founding Fathers knew about the Divine Right of Kings, and their treachery. You can go to Louis the XIV, or Napoleon, or Stalin, or Mao, or the rest of those treacherous men of history.  They all killed and lied their way to the top.

And so it is in America. Jill Biden covered up Joe Biden’s Alzheimer’s from 2019 to this day. Right now, she’s in their house in Delaware as his permanent caregiver 24/7.  But remember that she wanted him to run for a second term when it was MORE THAN OBVIOUS that he was decrepit in mind and body.  But that’s the nature of those who are extremists and covet power.  They don’t give a damn about, “We the people”, but they give everything to maintain their power, money and prestige.   Thankfully, with House Member James Comer, his latest book on Joe Biden’s financial fraud, the history books will expose Biden like the history books have exposed every tyrant for millennia.

Is there any chance we could expose people like U.S. Senator Schumer (D-NY) who granted driver’s licenses to illegal aliens Muhammod Atta and his gang that drove airplanes into the Twin Towers to give us 9/11?

What about exposing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi extended 20 year wars where she made millions on insider trading of defense contracts?  Any chance to prosecute her and her colleagues?

What about that bartender Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, (D-NY) in our House of Representatives who couldn’t pass a “common sense” test for a third grader?  She’s part of “the Squad” of mental midgets that lack, much like the Mayor of Philadelphia, Cherelle Parker,  the ability to spell “E G L E S” correctly.  Ma’am, please return to the fifth grade, and pass your spelling tests, repeat after me, “E A G L E S.”  That’s your NFL home team lady.  She is an example of “D.E.I.” which means, DIDN’T EARN IT, as to a high school diploma. It’s also called educational “affirmative action.”  That’s why the American Reading association reported that 45 million Americans are functionally illiterate.  Unfortunately, some of them bluff their way into becoming mayors or even House Members like Rashida Talaib, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson, Hank Johnson, and WAY too many others.

What about our country importing people like Somalian Ilhan Omar with a verifiable IQ of 68, yet she’s voted into the House by her countrymen in Minneapolis who also tip the scales as a collective IQ of 68?   She hates America because its not Islamic.  She stands with the Quran, which means she cannot pledge her honor the our U.S. Constitution because the Quran forbids it.  She stands with Sharia Law.  How did we allow that to happen?  She’s dumber than a box of rocks, but enjoys a platform she never earned and was not qualified to hold.

What about Whoopi Goldberg or Joy Reid?  Two of the biggest, emptiest mouths and brains in network TV.  They both hate America, yet both are paid millions to blabber their “horsefeathers.”  Talk about “WOKE” stupidity on a level unheard of in history.  Don’t forget, all White Americans are racists.  To both of them, many have said, “Those two are a collective of intellectual gerbils.”

How did we get a Cuban migrant DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, along with his mutton-brained border czar Kamala Harris in positions to stop the border invasion, when they aided, abetted and organized it?  And yet, for four years, they lied to us, point blank weekly that, “Our borders are secured.”  What a bunch of crap!  Those two were the biggest “D.E.I.” hires in America’s history.  Where did they get us?  Oh, about 15 million illegal aliens biting us in the financial, taxpayer a** for billions of dollars.

We must go back to what brought us to the point where a major criminal like Joe Biden attained the White House.  Who actually ran this country for four years?  Some say it was Jill Biden, or Barack Obama, Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, maybe Kamala Harris.  It’s a foregone conclusion that Joe Biden was not capable of running America for the past four years.  Which makes all of them liars, Constitutional criminals, and American power extremists.

And, we paid their salaries!  We paid to watch NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR and the rest of the hide the reality of Joe Biden’s dementia.

In the end, nothing could hide Biden’s incompetence and mental decline, but it gave us Ukraine, Hamas, our universities erupting in pro-Islamic riots, the 2021 George Floyd burning down riots, the $200 million in EBT card frauds by Somalians in Minneapolis and the incredible taxpayer burden of 15 million illegal aliens leaching off our taxes.

It’s sickening to see what has happened to our country!  It’s sickening to see what’s happened to North Carolina, and especially in California where incompetence reigns supreme in its “WOKENESS”, governor and mayors.

We need to bring back common sense, merit-based leadership, and patriotism toward our country.

As George S. Patton said, “Politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth; Democrats are the lowest form of politician.”

That pretty much sums up Joe Biden and what happened to America, and now, California. Oh, and Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker needs to learn how to spell her NFL team’s name:“E A G L E S.” Any fifth grader could teach her!

Frosty Wooldridge is a population-immigration-environmental specialist, a speaker at colleges, civic clubs, high schools and conferences, and a six continent world bicycle traveler, speaker/writer/adventurer.

Web: and Facebook: Frosty Wooldridge.